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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/985910-New-Planet
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#985910 added June 18, 2020 at 11:23am
Restrictions: None
New Planet
Prompt: You have discovered a new planet. What does it look like?

My new planet is greener then Ireland and England. There are mountains, lakes, woods, rivers and unicorns. It is breath taking and there are no diseases of any kind. Everyone is nice to each other and the atmosphere is full of sweetness. There are a million flowers, birds, squirrels, raccoons, rabbits and no snakes or alligators. This planet only has butterflies for insects. A few lizards. It is paradise. The other side has a few craters but this is where there is some dust to keep out diseases. It is quiet and sunny and no night time except on the other side. The planet is larger then any planet. The planet has a blue and lavender harmless glow. This is the perfect place to live. I will move there tomorrow.

I love this image by AE Wilcox. Beautiful.

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