Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/986971-Will-this-be-last-the-4th-of-July-
Rated: ASR · Book · Entertainment · #2202646
Jesus said, "Obey or I will kill you."( Luke 19:27)
#986971 added July 1, 2020 at 9:02pm
Restrictions: None
Will this be last the 4th of July ?

The commercial on toe fungus ends and Muzzy steps out into his living room.
He lights two incense at his Buddhist shrine to bunnies.
The camera slowly follows Muzzy his den where his dog is waiting by a blue French chair.
Muzzy sits in his French chair and holds his small black dog in his lap.
There is a large flat screen on the wall next to him.
A crackling fireplace is playing on the flat screen.

"Yes?" Muzzy looks over to his companion a tall pale woman with long white hair.
Her large green eyes appear to glow in the flickering flames of the fireplace video.
"Hello. I'm Muzzy and this is my skipper key Checkers and my companion Mu.
I'd liked to talk to you about the turbulent times we are living through."
Muzzy sips some water.

"Arf!" Checker's barks and begs for a sip.
Muzzy pours some of his water in a tea saucer and places it at his feet for Checkers.
Checkers laps up the water.
"That's good Checkers." Muzzy rubs the top of Checker's head.
Mu walks slowly behind Muzzy's chair and places her right hand on the right side of the chair's back.
Mu has a gentle smile and a very small nose.

"I'm not of any importance, nevertheless, I feel it is my duty to speak to the future.
Mu is my very close friend. She was born on Mars and raised in Cambridge, Massachusets.
I met Mu as a child growing up in Cambridge.
Her adopted family lived around the corner from me on Avon Hill.
Mu. Would you like to say a few words?"
Muzzy looked up at the slender tall pale woman.

Mu raised her right hand and pointed at the flat screen.
An image of a city on Mars appeared with emerald towers.
There were beautiful green fields and crystal glistening streams.
And then a massive explosion tore the towers down and set the sky on fire.
"My people were nearly exterminated by a war with another planet, Nabu.
Nabu wants to enslave all of us and take our Earth."

"We must put aside our political differences and unite against Nabu."
Muzzy clicked on his remote. The riots in the cities appeared on his flat screen.
There were images of wildfires and flooding and supercell hurricanes.
"Nabu is coming and with it an invasion from outer space." Muzzy held Mu's right hand.
"They call themselves the Anunaki," Mu said bowing her head;
"Planet Nabu is in a wide obit and it brings with it an armada of asteroids."
Muzzy kissed Mu's hand, "Were all in this together."

This commercial has been paid for by Marsians for Muzzy for President.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/986971-Will-this-be-last-the-4th-of-July-