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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/987168
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#987168 added July 3, 2020 at 10:45pm
Restrictions: None
Blogging, Theme, Unique
Prompt: The prompt is about being paralyzed with fear when it comes to blogging, having a theme and being unique. Chris Breva asked us to analyze and comment on this.

I don't like the word Blog. I prefer Journal but we call them Blogs so I go with it. I was afraid to write but a friend reminded me I got an Associates Of Arts Degree and was headed towards Journalism but I became a QMA, like a Nurse, long story. I decided to write. I took 2 online classes and one I had to snail mail stories as well. I found WDC and started writing and got 2 books published. I write poems, Regency Romance, Fairy Tales, Teddy Bear and Unicorn stories, poems and Medieval. The Blogging thing.

I wrote things about my life gradually and Blogging groups turned up and I signed up and I do Blog entries. I got brave. If something is too personal, I won't write about it. Blog Prompts. If I have nothing to write, I don't write an entry that day. I enjoy blogging. I am able to keep in touch with other group members. I find out things about myself as I write Blog entries. I like reading others blogs and being inspired. Blogging does help you grow and you can be surprised what inspires you. I blog for leisure, a way to strengthen my writing and make new friends and find out who I am. I can find my inner self. I worked in mental health and we told them to keep a journal and write about their feelings and it helped them. Blogging and Journaling is a way for all of us to release our thoughts and make us all feel better. It helps me. Start a Blog or Journal and find out who you are and be a better person and a better Christian. Start blogging!

A neat Rainbow Unicorn Image.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/987168