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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/988815-America
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#988815 added July 21, 2020 at 8:39pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt: Write about America.
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The Land of the Free! The home that I love!

America. We are going through a rough time. Virus. Wearing masks. Rioters. Remember, foreign countries are having a rough time of it, too. Everybody is mad at Trump. I am just disappointed in all politics but I hope they find a cure and vaccine for the virus. I hope politics quit making this about election year and care about their citizens. I hope Americans pull together and wear masks and try to remember why we love America.

Amber waves of grain. Purple mountain majesty. America is beautiful and we are free. The mask thing. It is for your health and to protect others. STOP WHINING ALREADY! I don't like writing about reality but I chose this today. I can't speak for the other countries but I am sure they have other problems besides the virus. Let's get through this together, pray for a cure and someday, we can travel across America again and enjoy the good things we have going for us in America. Love your country. We pulled together all through the wars, the assignation of a President, the burning towers, shootings and we can get through all this and be strong again. Love one another, love God and have America be great again. Look at the flag. Salute it and think of the statue of Liberty and everything America has been through over the years. America is our home. Let's love her. We got this. We will overcome.

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