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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/990104-Chili-Dog-Contoversy
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2198921
Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana
#990104 added August 6, 2020 at 10:37am
Restrictions: None
Chili Dog Contoversy
It is a beautiful day on the porch. Blue sky, sun just up a little behind the museum. It promises to be a hot one. But since it's August, we expect and hope for a few more hot days before the weather starts to change. And change it will, come September.

Let's see, yesterday was my busy day. Meals on Wheels, church, then volunteer time at the thrift store. I didn't go to play practice, since it was Act 2 only, and my only line is at the very end, and that is only "Ahhh! Murderer! Ahhhh! Police!!!" I begged off last week. I didn't see the virtue of driving 20 miles to say three or four words. And suffer through two hours of rehearsal with everyone's struggling. So I'll pick it up again next week. I'm gathering up my props and costume though. I believe that the sooner you get all that in order, the easier it is to get into character.

Meals on Wheels *CarG* was the usual route, except at one stop a lady comes running up to us. "You don't have us on the list?" Nope, that name was crossed off.

"Here, take a meal. We'll go back and get another."

"Oh, no, can't put you out. It's okay."

"Really, it's okay, we'll go back. No problem."

"I know I told them today, but not tomorrow."

Well, of course, someone had it backwards. So we drove back to get another meal. So as I stand there and ask for another, the powers that be start discussing whose fault it was that this happened. I didn't care, just get me a meal so I can get back in the car and get the rest delivered before things get cold. *Frown*

So the meal was chili dogs. Oh brother. I don't eat pork, no hot dogs for me. I don't eat chili, can't do the beans. I don't eat bread, the gluten. Yeah - welcome to my world. So I ate coleslaw, pickled beets, raw cauliflower, and cherry tomatoes. Sour cream dip? No, can't do the milk. A cookie? No, can't do the wheat. My husband then asked the server, well, since Norma isn't eating a hot dog, can I have hers? The answer, 'No, there are only so many for this many people.' And she waves her hand in the air to indicate the overwhelming crowd of twenty. 'But you can come back after everyone is served and if any are left, you can have one.' Okay folks, to us it didn't make any sense. I wasn't eating one. He could have had mine. Correct? *Headbang* So next time I will just take the dirty dog and give it to hubby. Eliminate the confusion.

I rode my bike to church. I have a sweet Columbia bike replica from 1952. Since I live in a small town in a flat area of Montana, I can ride this baby everywhere. Yesterday hubby had to make a trip to Billings, again, for the remodeling project. A special stain for the woodwork. So I pedaled on over. We had our little study. It is led by a lady who used to teach school. *Scholar* You can tell she was a great teacher. Then after that we make our way to the thrift store.

The thrift store is doing well. Bang up business lately. But I think that is because people don't want to drive to Billings. That city has a lot of the virus right now, and masks are required. Folks just don't want to do that. So they would rather shop local. Anyway, the store is busting at the seams with donations. Holy Cow! *Cow*

Yesterday I worked on just getting pictures, picture frames, those sorts of things in order for a big sale come Monday. 'Starving Artist Sale' is my proposal. $1 for any artwork. We have so many pictures. I thought this might be a way to unload some.

I have taken on the task of dreaming up sales for the store. It is fun, and sometimes it pays off big. Before I started do it, maybe the manager would sometimes think of something to do. Now it's several times a month, always something goofy. Because that's how the Queen likes it.

Today we are cleaning the car. Ugh. We have to shampoo the upholstery, clean the rugs. It's a real mess. It was spotless when hubby drove it home last July. We are bad car owners. We let it go too long.

A real victory was had the other day! The neighbors mowed their grass. These folks bought a huge house next to us, claimed they would be totally rehabbing it soon. Right. That was last fall. Nothing since then. The grass *Grass* hadn't been mowed since late in June. It was a real jungle. Finally I called the city office and complained. I know that is where all the grasshoppers *Grasshopper* *Grasshopper* *Grasshopper* *Grasshopper* I whine so much about came from. And after my complaint, they came and mowed. Hurrah! *Smile*

So the Queen is off to clean. I do hate so when all the workers leave for vacay.

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