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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2231143
My stories of inspiration as I develop my friendship with God.
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#992175 added September 2, 2020 at 3:50pm
Restrictions: None
When God Chooses To Speak

I had to pee. I was trapped in a hospital bed connected to tubes. I pushed the call button, told the voice I needed help to the bathroom, and was told someone would be right there.

But, this was a hospital. Nothing ever got done quickly at the hospital unless you were in mortal danger in the ER. Then, and only then did anything happen fast. I waited fifteen minutes and the urge to pee got more urgent so I pushed the call button again. I repeated I needed help getting to the bathroom. Again, I was told someone would be right there. I clamped my mouth shut to keep the smart ass retort to myself.

I tried watching tv but the overwhelming need to pee was too distracting. I tried to read, but no, that didn't work. I had a nice full-scale rant going in my head. I tried shifting and changing positions. If a nurse didn't come in the next 60 seconds, I was sure this would be a cleanup job instead of an accident prevention job. I closed my eyes, clamped my butt cheeks as tight as I could, and prayed.

Suddenly, that still small voice was heard. Every child of God knows what voice I'm talking about. That voice that comes into your mind, disrupting your own thoughts and inserting his.

"This is how I feel," The voice said softly. The voice caught me off guard and startled me. "This is how I feel when I tell one of my children to do something and they act like I am crazy. Like I, their Father, have no idea what I'm doing or saying. Instead of just doing what I say, they argue. They protest and come up with feeble excuses for why they can not possibly do what I have just said. Sometimes they even act like they don't hear my voice or don't recognize it. There are seemingly no limits to the excuses and reasons why the child I have spoken to can not do what I have just asked of them."

I grew very still. How many times was I guilty of doing just that? The voice of my Heavenly Father continued.

"There is always a reason behind what I ask. Sometimes, my child's hesitation has a ripple effect and offsets things they can never truly understand in their Earthly lifetime. Sometimes, their hesitation is deadly and costs someone their soul. So many times there is an urgency behind what I'm asking and their delay in responding causes me to feel that anxious, frustrated, helpless feeling you feel right now. Sometimes, it just makes me sad my child wants to believe it is I who am talking to them."

Guilt hit me hard. How many times had I done that? How many times did I try to second guess God and think I knew best? If you are a child of God, then come on. We should know better! Take comfort, however, in knowing you are not alone. Even some of the mighty men of the Bible wrestled with this very thing.

Moses had a whole list of reasons why he was not the right person to lead the children out of Egypt.

Jona had plenty of excuses for refusing to listen and do as God asked him.

There are so many others...I challenge you to study and read and find others in the Bible who did the very same thing and learn from their experiences.

Many, many times God calls the least likely of people to do the most impossible things...and just look at what happens! Next time, that still small voice speaks, I urge you, listen. Take action and do not hesitate.

a gift from a friendLet the Son shine in your life.
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