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Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2232763
Stories and Poetry of the Past
#994288 added September 26, 2020 at 6:06pm
Restrictions: None
Chicken Legs
Chicken Legs

"Psst...come here pal. I have to tell you something. It is really big news. But you can't go letting the cat out of the bag just yet, you hear?"

"Oh my, what is it? I just love gossip. Who is it about? Quick tell me who, I am just dying friend."

"Well, see hear Petunia. You can't go blabbing it. Got to be on the QT. All hush-hush and the like. See where I am coming from?"

"Oh well, yes of course my dear friend. Thomas, you know that you can trust me. I wouldn't say a word. Everyone knows that I, Petunia C. Periwinkle have tight lips."

"Okay, okay I got you. I got this little tidbit on the down low, Even I am not supposed to know this info."

"Spill it man, spill it. You are making crazy!"

"Well, I heard who the winner of the contest in this dive is fixin to be. They couldn't have picked a better dude."

"I didn't hear about any contest. I would have entered for sure. I don't think it is quite fair that they don't tell everyone about the goings on in this coop I would have made a fine candidate."

"Listen, chick, don't get your feathers in an uproar. It was a contest for males only. Us poultry people have to stick together now. First prize is a trip to the big farm in November. We could all use a vacation."

"Yes, but apparently I have no chance of winning."

"Petunia, quit pecking at the small stuff. Here is the news. The contest was for picking out the best turkey. Your husband Pete won!'

"Now how can that be? He is a chicken. Are you sure that you have this straight, Thomas.?
"Yes, I got it from the big boss. But ever since the pitchfork incident he don't see too well. Now here is the scoop. You chicken people are supposed to be waiting by the truck over there at two o'clock."

"Oh, my I can't wait to tell Pete."

"No, lady, remember you have to surprise him. Just take him over to the truck so he can get his big reward."

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much for telling me, Thomas. I am so sorry that you didn't win."

"Well, we can't all win Petunia. I got a soft spot in me heart for good old Pete. We once shared a good meal together. Now, you better get moving. Maybe next year, I can be the big winner. "

"Oh, I just love good friends Thank you, Thomas."

"Yeah, yeah see you later Petunia....or not."

"That will teach that Pete to steal my grain! And I am flying free for another year. Thomas, you sly little turkey you. Your mama would be very proud if she hadn't taken that ride in the turkey truck herself those many years ago. Dumb chickens keep falling for it every time though. HaHa."

Word Count 494
© Copyright 2020 L.A. Grawitch (UN: lgrawitch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/994288-Chicken-Legs