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Rated: 18+ · Book · Erotica · #2238196
Weight gain novel. A massive, obscure corporation takes residence within a little town.
#998839 added November 21, 2020 at 2:34pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter II - Growing Cheerleaders
Senna, had just returned home after the entire day at the cheer practice, she had worked her ass off all day and the idea of crashing on her bed was so tempting but, today was the day of her hangout with her friends at the burger place. As she thought about it, she realized that pretty soon was going to be the second month since they had uncovered that place. And that, in her mind, could only mean a celebration was in order.

As she changed her outfit, removing the tighter cheer costume for some more normal clothes, she seemed to notice that both her pants and shirt seemed to be fitting poorly on her body. Still, as she looked at herself in her mirror, she did see a bit of a belly bulging out, making so that a small muffin top emerged from her sides against her pants but, even as she grabbed it with two fingers, she quickly dismissed the thought.

Meh…it’s nothing I can’t lose with a few hours of gym. Got nothing to worry about…

Amelie, instead, was in a different situation. Her parents had noticed that their daughter seemed to be having a change in her normal behavior. When before, she would rebel against everything they told her, her dad had seen her taking in advice and rules without so much of a peep, as long as a snack was given to her meanwhile. Both Laetitia and Tetsuo, figuring out that Amelie might be finally halting her rebellious streak, immediately began to surround her with food and successfully managed to get her to listen and learn.

The girl wasn’t too happy about the situation but, since her mom was a magnificent cook, she truly couldn’t deny the advantages of being her mom’s taste tester. Still, as she rose from the table in the living room, where she was passing more and more time as of late, she quickly went to her room to change in something more…comfortable. Amelie had noticed that lately her clothes seemed to fit poorly on her frame but, since her parents had said nothing, she didn’t worry too much about it.

After all, there were more important things to do, as of now.

Gotta change fast and meet with the girls at the Scram place. What will I take today? I did pretty good at practice so I can splurge bit, for sure…

Elenore, instead was just now helping her mom in the kitchen. Dinner time, due to her siblings, was going to be soon and her mom needed her help more than ever.

“Oh, Elenore, I’m so sorry for troubling you like this…”

“It’s cool, Mom. I’ve almost finished anyway, too, so no big deal. Only…”

“Let me guess…you’re going to dinner with your friends, ain’t you? Well, that’s good. You have to enjoy your youth… I’m just sorry I’ve got to take so much of your free time…”

Elenore, moving closer to her mother, hugged her from behind, whispering to her that it was okay. Still, as they hugged, Elenore’s mother, Mika, couldn’t fail to notice that her daughter seemed to be having put on some weight. As she let her go change, in order to meet with her friends, Mika saw that her daughter had picked up her own genes, as she saw her backside sway and jiggle a bit more than before.

Elenore, had barely noticed. Since she was taking hand me downs from her mom, unless it was some special occasion like today, and with her mom’s dress that were a bit larger than herself she had never noticed a thing.

As she slipped up the new dress that she had bought herself a few weeks ago, with a few of her savings, she saw that it seemed pretty tighter on her hips but, as she turned around she failed to see what the issue was.

Mpf…Maybe I just need to stretch it a bit?
Well, got no time to worry about it, now…I need to hurry, or I’ll be late…

Alas, as weeks turned into months, these habits of theirs started to impact on their lives as well. As they got used to have their Party Box at the burger place, after a few weeks they started to order two of them in order to reach that state of fullness that each of them was starting to crave.

And yet, as the food served in the burger joint kept being delicious to their tastes, the effects of overeating so much and so often began to be more and more visible on each of them. The beginning of the end started when, during cheer practice, neither Senna nor Elenore, could touch their toes while stretching.

The Sorority seniors had noticed that the three second graders had seemed to bloat up a bit lately but, as they saw them trying, and failing, to perform during their practice, they decided that something had to be done. As practice ended for the day, the three girls were currently parked near one of the benches, feeling completely out of breath and drenched in sweat.

“Man…Didn’t remember practice…to be this tough.”

“Yeah…Senna. Seniors must…be wanting us to become…machines. It’s unbearable…”

“*Huff*…Don’t know you guys… But I really need a pick me up…otherwise I don’t…know if I can standup… on my own…”

The girls, with mostly four months of gluttony under their belts had blossomed rather heavily, almost bursting out of their own uniforms, and yet neither of them had wanted to address this increasingly growing issue with herself. In their minds, as long as they practiced, they could continue doing their, now six days a week, hangouts at the fastfood place, without being worried about anything.

A couple of Seniors were standing by the practice field that day, since they wanted to address and correct the situation ongoing with the three gals in the team. Already, throughout the Sorority, people were gossiping about the three girl’s sudden growth, from thin and toned cheerleaders, to the current state of whales.

And, while the comments were wrong in labeling them at that size, it was unmistakably in the eyes of the observer that those three were right on the edge of what was, even if shamefully, accepted as cheerleader material.

Still, the three were oblivious of being watched and, if they had known of it, what was going to happen could have been avoided. As the two seniors began to move closely, they stopped suddenly when they saw the shortest of the trio, Amelie, bring in the middle of their little circle a rather large looking bag.

“Sen, Elen? Why don’t we take a break, uh? I’ve got something that my mom gave me to snack on during today…”

As Amelie said that, completely oblivious as to how her belly lurched out of her skimpy shirt, pooling right below its hem, she opened the bag revealing three rather heavy looking buns made with melted cheese, salad, caramelized onions, slices of bacon and meatballs. The subs were easily half a foot long, each, and the smell coming from them was so tantalizing that all their bellies began rumbling hungrily in anticipation.

“Wow, Ames…Your mom cooks so well? I never knew…”

“Yeah, Elen…She started some time ago and it was a surprise for me too but, who cares, right? As long as it’s good…Sen? Here, you take this…”

“Why this particular one to me?”

“You like it spicy, don’t you? There is extra hot sauce in it. Mom loves her food to be spicy…”

The two seniors were horrified.

Here they were, almost forgiving the three girls and ready to give them only an earful, if they promised to get back into shape and what those three do? They start feasting right in the middle of the cheers practice field! Changing their expressions from forgiving, although offended, to stern ones, they moved closer and made their presence known just as the girls were right into the middle of eating the large snacks.

“No, no. Keep going, girls. Don’t stop eating just because we’re here. After all, it will be quick.

We had wanted to issue to you three a warning but, seeing as things stands, consider this as an ultimatum.

You’re grounded from the team, temporarily for now. Get back in shape. Lose those unhealthy habits and we will see if you can return within the Team and the Sorority.

We were having great hopes in you three but seeing you like this…is a shame.
Yes? Yes, Senna? You wanted to add something?”

Senna, having swallowed down her extra spicy mouthful, turned toward the two, thin as a rail, senior and looked at them askance as they reprimanded the three of them.

“So, you’re getting us out of the team for what? A pound or two?

Sheesh… you truly are bitches, ain’t you?”

The seniors didn’t take that so well, as they screeched like banshees toward them before hastily retreating, seeing as the girls, except Senna, had stopped eating and were currently inspecting themselves.

As the girls were left on their own to mull it over, Senna resumed eating, turning her stare toward her friends, trying to motivate them a bit.

“Come on, girls! You’re not really believing all that crap about being unfit?”

“Well, Sen, we may have put on a few pounds…”

“So, what, Ames? We can just lose’em as fast, if we do some gym. Would you really listen to those assholes telling about how crappy you are? Well, not me.

I know that I’m in my prime.

And…*Munch*… I won’t let some skinny bitches telling me…*Gulp*… what should I do. In fact…”

As Senna had quickly polished the rest of her sub, she slowly stood up, grabbing her bag and starting to go toward the showers.

“…I think I’ll go at that place right after I’ve changed. I just feel some cravings for their food…”

At the mention of their hangout place, although having just eaten a sub big enough to be considered as a meal on its own, the other two girls stood from the benches, already patting their, not so empty, bellies as they imagined gorging once more on that delicious food.

Meanwhile, at the Scram Little Eatery, Freddie was just cleaning once again the spotless station where he had been taking service since the place had opened. In the months since the opening, the Corp had assigned him there to be the face of their new enterprise in Tranquility. And, although the place was an evident financial failure, since there weren’t loads of customers coming in and out day after day, Freddie had to admit that it wasn’t all time lost.
Seeing as there was nobody around, rather usual this early in the afternoon, he placed the sign with the ‘Temporarily Closed. Returning in 5 minutes’ description as he left his post and entered the back kitchen.

Once he closed the double set of doors leading there, he stood observing the ‘Kitchen’. It was pretty easy, really, he alone was enough to man the place and still be able to cater to a few dozen customers at once. And all thanks to the massive machine laying in the middle of the room. He had just to insert the proper codes for the food, and the machine would activate, replicating said request in an instant.

Truly, something that made providing fast food the easier of the tasks.

Alone in the ‘Kitchen’, Freddie whipped out his phone and called a pre-recorded number.

“Hello, Ms. Haron. I’m calling for the weekly report.

As of today, we have a total of twelve regulars, coming here on a daily basis, three customers coming most days of the week and a few strugglers who are still coming only twice per week.

Yes, Ma’am. The regulars have all started with the Party Box but, slowly turned toward their personalized meals. There are, actually, three girls for which I have high hopes. Yes, they always order the Party Box, but they’re now up to two each.

No, haven’t contacted them yet.

I want to be sure before proceeding to phase 2.

If they become regulars, I will place their names for the Second phase.

Yes, would like to avoid what happened to Frida in Perth.

Talking about her, how’s she? Last time I saw her she was departing for Perth.

Hmm-hmm...She seems pretty ready for Phase Four, as you’re saying. She would have been happy to hear it…if she wasn’t the one under it, of course.

That is all, Ma’am. I will contact you next week for the next update, unless something happens.

Naturally Ma’am.

Don’t want to repeat the errors of those before me.
Have a pleasant day.”

As he closed the call, preparing himself to return to his post, he couldn’t stop thinking about the fate of his colleague Frida. He had met her years ago, freshly hired in the Corp., and rapidly found her of good company, while also being a satisfying partner in bed. Still, he remembered that she had been curious about what people found so enjoyable in eating Fast Food.

He chuckled a bit within himself as he thought that now she had, probably, her curiosity satisfied.
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