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Rated: 18+ · Book · Erotica · #2238196
Weight gain novel. A massive, obscure corporation takes residence within a little town.
#998847 added November 21, 2020 at 3:12pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter VIII – Like pigs at a trough
Meanwhile, in the outskirts of Tranquility, the “Scram Little Eatery” was bursting with customers.

The place wasn’t full at all but, even those few customers that were there, were so swollen and big that place was starting to become an issue. Freddie, that had been the only server in the place, had been forced in the last few weeks to have personnel transfer from other locations to give him a hand in managing the place.

Still, as he walked among the tables, looking at his customers happily gorging themselves round, he could see that Tranquility was well on its way toward phase 3 of the Scram Corps master plan for the city’s future.

As he made sure that everyone was happily digging in their own meals, Freddie retreated back into the kitchen, and then moving to his back office where he started to dial a number on his phone.

“Good Morning, Ma’am. Yes. I’m happy to confirm that Phase 2 has been a success in Tranquility. Almost all the population is being instructed to follow the teachings of the “”H & U”.

Yes, Ma’am, there are a few isolated cases that are trying to mount up a resistance but it’s matter of days before they too are forced to collapse and see the world our way.

No, Ma’am, as per instructions, I’ve had no contacts with the Mayor himself.

His daughter and a few others had been selected as prime carrier for Phase 2, the teachings, but apparently HQ had already started without informing us.

Yes, Ma’am. I know that ours scope is slightly different than the one carried on by HQ but… Yes, I shall drop the subject.

In any case, I have already several subjects for which I would like to implement Phase 3, but…I’m afraid that I’m still missing something to proceed Ma’am. Yes, exactly.

As of today, I’ve been hiding under the guise of a waiter…I can’t approach them as an authoritative figure. Yes, a transfer of personnel would be much appreciated.

Yes, I’ve actually given it a good thought and I thought about two, currently, figures that could be useful during Phase 3. The Director Miss Sandra Dilke and her Vice-director, Mr. Frank Curgen.

I understand Ma’am that they are valuable assets where they are currently stationed but, in order to finally reach Phase 5 I believe they are essential at the Scram Eatery.

Thank you, Ma’am. I won’t disappoint you.”

As Frederick Cumberbatch, Lead researcher for the Scram Corps., hung up the phone he granted himself a little smile of victory. As much as he had wanted to have his own testing grounds, he hadn’t been happy about being relegated in that little side project.

Especially, since his, at the time, girlfriend, had managed to stab him in the back, stealing all the glory of His researches. Managing to get the position of Director withing Tranquility Scram Headquarters.

Still, he had waited and worked hard, until finally recognition had come in his way. Although HQ was doing pretty well, there had been some mishaps, especially in a few key figures who had found themselves unable to continue their work there.

His side project, instead, was running smoothly, as the perfectly oiled machine it was.

And now, now Freddie could finally have his revenge.

Oh, Sandra… I will use you well for Phase 3 and 4. You will truly become a dedicated supporter of our cause.

And when this will all be over… you shall be mine.

Only mine.

Outside the small-ish restaurant, Senna, Amelie and Elenore were milling about, hoping that a few spots would soon get free, letting them in to gorge themselves senseless.

In truth, of the three friends, only two, as of late had been doing any gorging. Elenore, having found much more exciting being a provider than a consumer, mostly had kept bringing food to her friends, finding exciting to see how they ballooned. Still, currently she was chatting with them friendly, as if nothing strange had ever happened, although she was the only one standing on her own two legs. Senna and Amelie, in fact, had grown so healthy that now both required the use of a scooter to move around, unable to actually move on their own feet.

Senna had grown to be the biggest of the three, being currently at 625 pounds, her massive jiggly body evenly spread out all over her scooter, even covering the driving wheel. Which wasn’t a problem for the titanic teen, since her father had given her a remote controller that helped her to drive safely. The dark-skinned girl had truly grown immense and yet, she still refused to admit the truth.

Even as her belly had grown so massive that, when standing, reached over her knees, the girl continued to believe of being at most twenty pounds over her original weight.

Amelie wasn’t faring much better. Although smaller than her cocoa skinned friend, she still weighted an astounding 598 pounds as, she too, was almost overflowing her scooter with her vast body. Still, although barely, she could reach the driving wheel and so barely managed to drive around.

As they waited, in front of the restaurant, they suddenly noticed a couple of billowing girls moving toward them, albeit slowly and, apparently, with extreme fatigue.

As the two girls were closer it took a moment for the three friends to recognize them as the two senior cheerleader who had, months before, kicked them out of the team for being unfit. As they watched the two waddling over, they could clearly see that both girls had undergone a drastic change in their life.

Both girls were immense, the blonde one, the same that had chewed them harshly before, was easily the biggest of the duo, she had a top heavy, apple-shaped, kind of figure. Her entire body jiggled everywhere as she moved, slowly toward the restaurant. As she finally made it beside the three friends, they could easily see that she was even bigger than Senna, although they didn’t know how she was still able to move all that blubber around.

The second one, was smaller in size but, she made the difference with the width of her hips. They were so large, and her ass so big, that she seemed to have a shelf right behind her back ready to be used as desk.

The blonde, after catching her breath for several minutes, managed finally to turn her looks on the three girls in front of her.

“Oh… Hey… It’s… you… I… wanted… to… apologize… for… having… been… so harsh…on…you guys… I… didn’t…know…that… we…were… the… unhealthy… ones. If…you… want… you… can get… back…in both… the team… and the…. sorority.”

As blondie stopped once more to breathe, her friend, who was in a somewhat better shape, took the word.

“Although, guys… got to warn you… that a few things have changed… now there is a minimum weight… requirement to be with the cheerleaders… As of last… update…the required is at… 600 pounds.

So, Elenore, I’m sorry… but you’ll have to… shape up a bit… but you can still…join the Sorority…”

Both Senna, Amelie and Elenore, looked at each other warily, as much as they didn’t want to admit to having gained weight, they knew that being bigger than what they already were could only call for trouble. Still, Elenore, seemed rather enticed by the two overfed cheerleaders and quickly moved beside the blonde one, as she began to search something in the backpack that she had started to bring with her when going to meet with her friends.

“Carey? Everything ok? …Here, why don’t you have a little pick me up… I’ve got plenty to spare…”

As she offered a, quite large, bottle of shake to the blonde cheerleader, this one rapidly grabbed it and began chugging it down with alacrity, smudging her lips with it. As the humongous Carey emptied it, she found right in front of her eyes another similar bottle ready to be consumed. Elenore, as she kept providing the bloated girl with more shake to drink, turned toward the other cheerleader with an inquisitive and curious stare.

“Her Micah? You know how Carey managed to get so… Healthy?”

“Oh, that’s easy. After she kicked you… I mean, after you guys left the team, her parents noticed how unhealthy she was and so, had her join a reinvigorating training held at Scram Corporation HQ.

Three weeks after, she returned from it at the healthier weight of 500 pounds, yet, her mother, told her that although she had grown healthier it wasn’t still enough and so… we’ve started to go around for healthy restaurant each and every day.

Apparently…” the second cheerleader, Micah, whispered to Elenore, “…her mother promised her a new car if she can manage to be the healthiest in town within three months.

I’m just keeping her company, although also my parents are pushing me to be healthier.”

Senna and Amelie, meanwhile, had slowly fallen asleep, too tired to keep waiting and confiding in Elenore to wake them up if a space opened in their restaurant. Both girls had gotten used to be spoiled in such a way by Elenore and it wasn’t really an issue for Elenore, since she wanted nothing else than to let them both grow even lazier than they already were.

Still, as her two friends were asleep, Elen began really to cater also to the two new girls beside her, even walking inside the restaurant to order some take away for them.

“Here you go, ladies… a little snack to get back some energies to you.”

Carey, who had finished drinking her seventh shake, began to feel her gut rumbling hungrily, and, without waiting began to assault frantically at the food that Elen had brought for them.

As she glutted and gorged, she found herself almost compelled in answering to the question that Elenore was whispering in her ears.

“So, Carey, how healthy you are now?”

“*Munch*… Hm… around… 740… pounds… ”

“And how healthier you’re going to get? What’s the limit?”

“*Gulp*…limit? … *Burp*…no… limit… I’ve got… to get… at least… to the big 1000. But… bigger… is always… better…”

Elenore could barely contain her excitement, being surrounded as she was by healthy girls, growing healthier and healthier, she couldn’t stop herself from wishing they got bigger and bigger. Even now, as Carey and Micah were completely focused on their feasts, neither of them noticed how Elenore had begun massaging their own bloated bellies.

Elen, instead, managed to restrain herself just in time for, a few minutes later, both cheerleaders had finished with their snack and, although feeling definitely full, they started walking away, in search of another restaurant for them to gorge once more.

Elenore, seeing the two massive behemoths waddle away, and considering that their eatery was still full, decided to wake up her friends, opting to bring them to a less known, and similarly ‘healthy’ establishment that she knew of.

“Girls. Wake up.”

“Wha-? A table has been vacated?”

“No, Sen. It’s all completely full. I just wanted to let you know of a little place not far away that we could go to, today. Ames, what do you say?”

“Yeah… for me is ok… I’m getting hungry…”

It was early evening when the three friends emerged from the all-you-can-eat buffet. Both Amelie and Senna had stuffed themselves senseless, especially since Elenore pushed them both to keep going every time they cleaned out a plate. As they stood outside the entrance, Amelie could barely keep her eyes open. She had eaten so much that she was right on the brink of the food coma, although, she didn’t regret a single moment of her overindulgence.

Senna, instead, was still hungrily licking her lips, as if she couldn’t wait to find someplace else where she could let herself go.

Unknown to both, Elenore had done something with their drinks.

With the craze that was in town about growing healthier, she hadn’t had any difficulty in procuring herself some drugs that would help her in her newfound quest of surrounding herself in only the Healthiest people. As her two friends had gorged, she had easily slipped a few pills in each drink that Senna and Amelie had, giving appetite stimulants to the first and slower metabolism to the other. Now, though, as time was running out for her, since she had to return home in the late evening to cater to her mother, she had to choose which of her two friends she wanted to go with.

Normally, she would have chosen Amelie, since they lived pretty much close, but, the temptation of going with Senna, seeing as she was still hungry despite having eaten most of half the buffet on her own, was so tempting to the newbie feeder.

In the end, as Amelie decided to return home, Elenore began to show the way to Senna toward another little place where they could have a bite to eat, without spending too much.

Later on, as Senna returned home, she was barely conscious of her surroundings. She could hardly believe of the sudden hunger that had caught her during the day with her friends and yet, as she sipped the last shake that Elen had offered her before parting ways, she still felt a bit of hunger in the deepest part of her massive gut.

As she entered her home, she barely had to call that her maid was already at her side, helping her to dismount from the scooter, as she slowly moved through the house and toward the dining room.

“I… I really… would like to… have a shower… first?”

“Nonsense, Miss. You’ve been gone most of your day. It’s time to have your meals. Now, open up!”

With that, uncaring if the young teen was looking like a massive beachball, the maid began to push more and more food down her throat, barely giving the dark-skinned girl time to breathe. Still, Senna, didn’t fight back.

As full as she felt, she still was feeling hungry and dissatisfied.

Sitting down on her couch, belly hanging freely off her legs, Senna decided that a little splurge could be conceded and so let herself go at the mercy of her maid feeding.
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