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Oct 7, 2011 at 1:16pm
Re: Detailed Writing Prompt for October
by forolio
Lee and I often sat out on our front porch listening to the buzz of our quaint neighbourhood. Drinking quarts of Lime Kool-Aid spiked with cheap liquor store vodka and smoking pencil thin reefers we could enter into a haze of hallucination on any given day. I obtained my marijuana through a prescription as its medicinal effects helped with my ailing condition. I often requested of Lee that he just close his eyes and listen intently, just relax and feel the pulse of our environment. We would often play the “guessing game” asking one another to guess who was within our close proximity using all senses other than sight. As Lee often cheated I would demand that he wear a night mask covering his eyes and just sit with me for hours in a lull sensing and guessing who the people were as they passed through our life.
Our large two storey rooming house was at 510 King Street, ironic, we felt, because there was a total of 5 rooms and 10 persons residing there, including Lee and myself. We would arise early morning, well before the sun and start on our daily ritual before anyone in the rooming house would even be up. We perched ourselves on the swinging bench located at the far end of the porch and with each inhalation of pungent smoke we would swallow copious amounts of green liquid eventually numbing us to the mundane reality of daily life. We could remain in what we believed was stealth mode as each resident of our rooming house left to go about their daily business.
The front door of the house was usually open on a summer day like today, but the old wooden screen door preceding it on entry was a slammer with the old fashioned spring which would close it shut with a distinctive bang and a eerie creak when it opened. Often when one of us would float away into a state of delirium the loud banging of the screen door would startle us back to reality; always getting a chuckle out of the one of us that was not a victim to the rude awakening.
With the sweltering heat of the day all of the windows in the rooming house were wide open and if one listened intently you could hear much of what was going on inside.
Suddenly the screen door opened with that distinctive creaking sound and out walked the first participant in our game. The screen door did not slam shut on this instance, but was gently returned to its closed position with much care. Meticulously manoeuvring each step they made their way to the concrete walk and with a dragging gate they proceeded to the sidewalk and turned left up the street towards the church. As the sauntering walk faded away I requested that Lee guess who the resident was. Lee stated, “Being they didn’t slam that door and that the walk resembles more of a hobble I would venture to say that it was Sister Mary Agnes on her way to Sunday School”. That was correct, one point for Lee.
Soon following Sister was an individual who opened the door roughly with a loud impact prior to the door even opening. Once outside, the screen door slammed shut with full impact, this individual paused momentarily on the front porch, groaned loudly and opened a soft drink can with that distinct “PSSSSSSSSSSSSSST”. We waited for their departure and then Lee requested that I now attempt a guess at who it may have been. “Well that has to be Hawk on his way the local pool hall”! How did I know? Through his open window I could hear him reach into his closet stash rattling cans within his private stock of refreshments including his well hidden liquor. He opened the door using the butt end of his pool cue and immediately cracked a can of Dr Pepper, his favourite beverage, when properly mixed, as he greeted the day. One point for me.
From the upstairs window I could hear a faint melody as someone was singing the song, Rock of Ages. The melody abruptly ceased and was replaced with shrill screams of “Get ready we must go now”! Amazingly enough the scream was just slightly less pleasant than the rendition of Rock of Ages. Rumbling down the stairs were multiple pairs of feet missing every second step in an obvious hurry to get nowhere fast. The screen door swung open wide and remained open for a longer period of time than normal. Skipping along in unison were the five children that resided in the house. The screen door eventually slammed shut and off they went, no doubt to the Sunday School where Sister Mary Agnes taught. Although this was an easy guess Lee not only identified Monica but also correctly identified, Sarah, Bobby, Chrystal, Michael and finally little Lawrence in proper succession as they exited the house and made their way up the street. Bonus points for that guess, Lee wins!
With the house now empty Lee removed his mask and we discussed our upcoming wedding and the challenges that marriage could bring. Lee was always supportive but I had my reservations that we could thrive in matrimony with my limiting debilitation. I spoke softly to Lee “now you see what its like to be blind, relying on all other senses, not much fun is it?” Lee reached into my oversized purse and pulled out my huge looking glass that I always kept in reach and peered through it directly into my eyes “Yes but I know together we can truly feel life Rosie Posie” . “We will be happy forever after Rose, as you can see what others can’t through your kaleidoscope eyes.
Detailed Writing Prompt for October · 09-30-11 9:47am
by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST
Re: Detailed Writing Prompt for October · 10-03-11 10:09am
by forolio
Re: Re: Detailed Writing Prompt for October · 10-03-11 5:27pm
by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST
*Star* Re: Detailed Writing Prompt for October · 10-07-11 1:16pm
by forolio
Re: Re: Detailed Writing Prompt for October · 11-02-11 5:34pm
by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

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