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work in progress- writing assignments & links for use in the home school
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Apr 27, 2006 at 6:51am
explaining my silence....
Alas, I've probably lost my hoards of faithful readers here by not posting in the last three months! Mia culpa....

Quickie explanation: my kids were doing their big research paper unit, which I didn't have time to write up for you. (maybe some day? Maybe this summer?) That took a LONG time. My kids kept writing, but in the usual disorganized spur-of-the-moment-assignment way that I used to do this before I organized this program.

Then we got involved in a public speaking project (organized by someone else) with several other home school families- the younger kids were researching/writing speeches for quite a while. Again, no time or motivation to write it up....

In the meantime our family got sidetracked with other creative endeavors (orchestra of Beauty & the Beast, regional robotics competition [my Andrew won with his computer animation, now in Atlanta for the Nationals!!!!!! *proud mom), stage managing/acting/painting sets for Annie, a car wreck, plus "normal" extra-curriculars of scouts, Church, choir, etc.

Then I decided to have the older two kids do the speech thing, too- it was supposed to be a brief activity (one week), but they had such major caniption fits about the whole thing that I have decided we need to do an entire speech unit, just for their benefit. I WILL write that up as I go along.

So much for brief explanations.... Stay tuned for more....


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A sig for the Lothlorien Group!
explaining my silence.... · 04-27-06 6:51am
by Lobelia is truly blessed
Re: explaining my silence.... · 04-27-06 9:13am
by Holly Jahangiri
Re: Re: explaining my silence.... · 04-27-06 9:20am
by Lobelia is truly blessed
Re: Re: Re: explaining my silence.... · 04-27-06 11:17am
by Holly Jahangiri

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