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Apr 27, 2007 at 12:51pm
by Igor
Perhaps you have forgotten what is meant by "Ten Commandments." (please keep in mind that i do not want to debate about whether the ten commandments were actually given by God. That would require another debate about God and an entire other forum. I think we need to look at the ten commandments in context). If the ten commandments were given by God, then they were what he said they were: the ten commandments. These are what God said EVERYONE MUST live by. He COMMANDED it. Does this mean that you vote on it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Example: Imagine if you and your other little brothers and sisters when you were all about the age of 6 didn't like something your parents told you. Perhaps they said you have to clean your room. Did your parents let you vote on whether you liked what they told you to do? (I sincerely hope not, but I realize there may be exceptions). No. A parent (i hope) does not let their children vote on the rules they set forth for them. If this is true with parents and their children, isn't it even more true with GOD??!!??!! Perhaps you don't like the commandments (whaaaaaaa!), but that's too bad. The Sovereign and omniscient God of the Bible said these are the requirements that we must fulfill. You can't vote on them. I mean, you can, but I see no point. I can understand if someone makes suggestions as to what they think could be included in the ten commandments. But remember these are what imperfect, non-omniscient, non-omnipotent, sinful people have thought of as commandments, not the LORD. It follows simple logic that if God is perfect, then his commandments are perfect also. So it really doesn't come down to whether you believe his commandments are great. It comes down to whether you think God is perfect. Also, as a sidenote, I notice that many things people have posted as suggestions to additions, are already forbidden in the bible by God. There were about 600 other commandments that God gave the israelites. Things like making human sacrifices and stuff like that are forbidden. I have also noticed that some things that are suggested would promote homosexuality (I believe it was something that said you shouldn't prevent any two adults from marrying who want to). This is also forbidden in many places in the bible. Times haven't changed folks. God's word stands the same forever because so does the Lord. Just as God is eternal, so are his commandments and his standards of perfection. Also, I do disagree with the belief that it is wrong to say there is only one way to God. I do this because the bible says there is only one way God. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through me." This belief is a natural outgrowth of belief in the Bible, and is not offensive (it may be offensive in some way to someone, but not without a darn good reason). I completely respect your freedom to believe what you want (which is why i do not mean this post to offend anyone, and if it does, i'm sorry), but I ask that you respect my right to believe what I want in believing that Jesus is the only way to God.
TEN COMMANDMENTS? · 04-27-07 12:51pm
by Igor

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