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New Horizons Academy birthday greetings to Writing.com
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Aug 31, 2011 at 5:17pm
Happy Birthday, WdC!!! We love you!
I live in the beautiful state of Alabama in the U.S.A. I learned about Writing.com. from my friend and co-worker, SWPoet , who urged me to join. I had always wanted to write poetry but never had the self-confidence to try. I reluctantly joined Writing.com in April of 2008 and soon became addicted. After receiving a warm welcome and lots of encouraging reviews for my efforts at writing poetry and prose, my pen just poured forth the ramblings of my heart.

I began to review right away because I saw it as an opportunity to read poems written by others. I learned so much from reading and reviewing other poems and joined several reviewing groups. I love reviewing. I wish I had a lot more time to devote to reading and reviewing the wonderful stories, poems, articles, etc., on Writing.com.

Just six short months after I joined, Gooberette decided to step down as leader of "Invalid Item and asked me if I would consider becoming the new leader. I was honored and scared to death, but "Invalid Item became my baby. I learned many new skills as a leader and manager of a group and continue to learn with each passing day. I think that's the key to why I love Writing.com so much; there is always something new to learn.

I broadened my writing to include articles and essays, then began writing short stories. I found new things to learn everywhere I turned. New Horizons Academy is one source of growth for me. After taking several classes, I have now been asked to teach the Punctuation Station class in January of 2012. This is a new and exciting adventure for me. I am working hard studying the curriculum and preparing to teach it. Meanwhile, I will be assisting ~A.J. Lyle~ in her class, Dynamic Reviewing, and taking Comma Sense with Winnie Kay .

I'm honored to be a part of Rising Stars, Rising Stars Sponsors, Circle of Sisters, and Star Catchers. It is rewarding to always be on the lookout for new talent in Rising Star candidates, to read and judge the Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest, and to search for those hidden gems to put on display as a Star Catcher. I am a member of a long list of wonderful groups and support those and other amazing groups in any way that I can.

Managing "Invalid Item, along with ~A.J. Lyle~ and Lornda , takes up a lot of my time, but I love it so much. I love the interaction, the dialog between the members and myself. Joy and Lornda are absolutely the best leaders to work with. We Three Chickadees work hard and we have lots of fun. I keep saying that I need to find a way to spend less time on Writing.com, but I absolutely cannot find anything I'm willing to give up at this point.

WdC has made such a difference in my life. I wish I could retire and spend all day on Writing.com. There are so many things to do, so many ways to be creative, so many people to help. I think, in the end, that is my favorite part--helping others, encouraging them and showing them what a wonderful place this is. That's one reason I love helping newcomers, and even not-so-newcomers. I hate to think that someone left Writing.com because they didn't feel the warmth and encouragement that I felt when I joined, with quivering knees and white knuckles, over 3 years ago.

Dearest Story Master and Mistress, thank you so much for creating this site, for building it and nurturing it. Thank you for the tremendous amount of work that must surely go into making it the high-quality writing community that it is. To be honest, I've never even looked at other writing sites, but I can't imagine there's one with as much to offer as WdC. You continue to add new features to enhance our enjoyment of this site, so we never know what's around the corner. Whatever you're doing, it's working, and I hope you will keep doing it because I honestly don't know what I would do without Writing.com.

"Be especially kind, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Check out my new Rising Star, Mia - craving colour
Ice Cream Social Clickable Ad/banner made by WhoMe???

Executive Group Leader Signature gifted by Lornda, made by Leger
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Happy Birthday, WdC!!! We love you! · 08-31-11 5:17pm
by Pat ~ Rejoice always!

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