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by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Fantasy · #2180090
Message forum for readers of the BoM/TWS interactive universe.
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Jan 17, 2019 at 4:32pm
Edited: January 17, 2019 at 5:26pm
About this Message Forum
by Seuzz
So, BoM comes with a Statistics page. I never pay attention to it though, because the stats it reports are pretty useless. I think it's been two years since I've even looked at it.

But by chance I did glance at it a couple of days ago—I opened it up while looking for some other information about BoM—and I saw that BoM was getting traffic from Reddit.

Really. Someone there posted a complimentary item on BoM   in a "skin suit" sub-reddit. Knock me over with feather.

Anyway, there were three things in that post (and in the three replies it got) that struck me.

1. The OP said, "I was hoping to rope some of you into it to have more people to talk about it with." I read that and thought, People want to talk about BoM? *mind blown* Well, I don't expect there's much demand for BoM/TWS discussion, but if one person wants a talking, maybe a handful of other people do too, and it's no work for me if I provide a place for it. I suppose if there was a great demand, people could use the BoM/TWS Update Blog, but maybe a forum would be more inviting. People might also feel less shy commenting here than in emailing me directly. So here it is.

2. Naturally, there are complaints in the sub-reddit about the WdC bandwidth restrictions. This forum can't do anything to solve that issue. But see below for additional, related thoughts.

3. The third reply says, "I've been trying to get into this interactive for literally years now and I still have no clue where or how to start, it's so huge and convoluted." This is the comment that really got me thinking about ways of making BoM more accessible to newbies. It's not just a matter of getting them past the hurdles that WdC puts up. It's also a matter of giving them an introduction to BoM that isn't as intimidating as the actual 3K-chapter behemoth.

So here's the first topic for discussion, all reader viewpoints and suggestions welcome: How can I make select BoM/TWS storylines accessible, both to new readers and to non-WdC members?

That's not the topic for this thread, though. There's a thread on it elsewhere: "Ideas: Making BoM More Accessible"
About this Message Forum · 01-17-19 4:32pm
by Seuzz
Re: About this Message Forum · 01-20-19 11:23am
by Seuzz
Re: Re: About this Message Forum · 06-05-23 8:42am
by Seuzz

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