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May 21, 2004 at 11:24pm
Just a few words!
by Dottie
I didn’t write a letter yet to Writer’s Digest, but I will probably put my two-cents in, but it will be short and straight. The members of our great community of writers have already said all that I wanted to say about our site being excluded from their list of 101 top on-line writing sites for 2004. I’ve been reading the posts submitted in this forum, as well as the letters that were sent to Writer’s Digest. The loyalty, love and support shown for our site are truly outstanding. I’m so happy to be a member of Writing.Com, which in my opinion is the best writing site on the Internet. It’s my home away from home, a place where I can finally feel comfortable reading stories, essays, journals, poetry, and more. If it weren’t for Writing.Com, I would still be living a life devoid of wonderful works of literature.

How and why we were left off the list is anyone’s guess! My guess is that one or more of the staff goofed. Perhaps, an editor or two was not up on the who’s who in writing sites. Perhaps, it was a little thing like doing homework in correcting our name from Stories.Com to Writing.Com, or that a nomination was not sent in order to be placed on the list. Not nominated? Who knows? But what remains is their goof in leaving us off the list this year. One thing for sure, we will be up there on next year’s list. That’s a certainty. How could they miss? Writing.Com is the greatest site on the Net. Oh, I said that already!

A wish for all
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Operation Letters to Soldiers-SIG
Just a few words! · 05-21-04 11:24pm
by Dottie

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