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Item #283891
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Item #283891
Writing.Com's Complaint Form allows you to submit a complaint concerning an issue with another Writing.Com member or content on Writing.Com. Before using this form, read the following information in full and be sure you are correctly submitting.

What is Harassment?
Harassment in ongoing abuse by one or more site members of another site member that can only be rectified by Writing.Com's removal of a member's account. Writing.Com can not force members to get along. Harassment complaints can not be used to settle disputes amongst friends, groups or other similiar disputes. Writing.Com can not be a mediator in disputes and it is not possible for Writing.Com to be involved in or fully understand the detailed personal nature of some disputes that will naturely occur when people interact.

Can this form be used to submit Review System Abuse?
Yes, this is the correct form to submit abuse of the Review System and to report Review System cheating. When this is the case, other issues of harassment are ignored. Writing.Com will investigate the abuse and determine the correct course of action.

Can this form be used to submit Content Complaints?
Yes, this is the correct form to submit a complaint about content. Writing.Com will investigate the content and determine the correct course of action.

What can be expected when a Harassment Complaint is submitted?
While not all requests are handled in the same, in most cases, Writing.Com will notify both parties via email that a complaint has been filed. A request will be made for all parties to cease communications and avoid one another at all costs. Members can easily block each other using the "Block/Ignore Members" setting found in the "My Account" -> "Account Settings" area. Use of the blocking utility will systematically eliminate communication between the parties. Should communication continue, Writing.Com will be forced to take further action to end the continued harassment. Further action may include account removal and banning from the site.

Is the identity of the member who submits the Complaint kept private?
Unfortunately the nature of harassment complaints means the identity of all involved parties must be disclosed to the other parties (most of the time). This is not the case for most reports of review system cheating or content complaints.

Writing.Com strives to respond to all complaints as quickly as possible.
Depending on the time and day of your submission, the response time should be within 3 to 5 business days.

Multiple submissions allowed | (R) denotes a required field.
1.   What type of complaint are you submitting? (R)
        Harrassment Complaint
        Review System Abuse/Cheating
        Content Complaint
        Other Complaint (explain below)
2.   Provide a brief description of your complaint. (R)
3.   If not a review system complaint, provide a detailed account of the events leading to this complaint. (R)
4.   List the Writing.Com usernames and/or item IDs involved in this complaint. Indicate the role of each party in this complaint. Referring to users and items with WritingML. {user:support} will yield Writing.Com Support , {item:303715} will yield "Technical Support Forum. (R)
5.   If not a review complaint, who is most responsible for the submission of this complaint? (R)
6.   By submitting this form, I understand that Writing.Com may need to review my private communications in order to review this claim. I accept, allow and acknowledge Writing.Com's need to review current and archived email and IM correspondence. (R)
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
7.   Have the issues involved with this complaint happened before? (R)
        Similiar, but not exactly.
        I am not sure.
        Not Applicable.
8.   Has this issue been reported before? (R)
        Similiar but not exact.
        I am not sure.
        Not Applicable.
9.   The events and descriptions entered above are 100% accurate to your knowledge. You understand that the matter will be looked into further, including direct examination of some/all/or none of the following: Server files, server logs, email transcripts, reviews and any other necessary means. (R)
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
*Note* Disclaimer: The information submitted will be sent to Writing.Com Support . Do not submit anything private or confidential.


Maintained by Writing.Com Support   
Created: 11-16-01 @ 1:35pm | Modified: 08-01-22 @ 2:04am      

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/283891-Submit-a-Complaint