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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Romance/Love · #1854410
Chapter 4 in the Interactive Story contest, "A Day At The Pond"

Chapter 4 in the Interactive Story contest, "A Day At The Pond"

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
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Danny sat dumbfounded, just staring at Mandy until her tears started again, and she said, “Danny, for heaven’s sake say something … even if it’s only ‘goodbye’.”

“Mandy,” he started eventually, “this is so totally unexpected that I need time to process the information. I see this gorgeous girl, she doesn’t run in horror from me, but then tells me she already has a son and he’s black. Not your normal coffee shop conversation.”

Now it was Mandy’s turn to keep silent and Danny could see the waves of emotion passing across her face as she struggled to stay neutral and not try to influence him. She liked him; he was kind and funny, and she could see a future with him. But her son had to be part of the equation; there was no alternative.

“Okay, Mandy, I think I get the picture; so tell me a bit about your son – what’s his name, what sort of a kid is he, how are you coping with him, where is he now?

Mandy smiled cautiously. “His name’s David; his father wanted to give him a Senegalese name, but I held out on that one. I think he’s delightful, but then I’m biased. He’s a bit fussy with his feeding but he sleeps well. He’s started to crawl so he’s into everything and he has his own baby babble but he knows what he wants. How am I coping? Well, just—I’m staying with a lovely woman, a friend of the family. She’s a single mum with a daughter about David’s age and we share the baby care duties, so that works out okay. I’ll have to find some sort of work soon, though, and that’s a bit stressful.”

“Mandy,” Danny’s voice was soft but contained an edge of uncertainty. “Do you think I could meet David?”

Mandy’s heart turned a somersault and she smiled broadly at Danny. “Yes, I think that could be arranged. If you’re free now, I can make the necessary introductions,” and she jumped up, hurrying Danny from the shop.

“My car or yours?” asked Danny; Mandy hesitated, “I ’m not far from here, if you don’t mind a bit of a walk?” and they started off. A little later, Danny took Mandy’s hand, which seemed to trigger something in Mandy.

She turned to Danny with a distressed expression on her face, “I’m so sorry Danny, I can’t let it go on like this. I … you see … well … it’s about David’s father. His name’s Idrissa and he …”

“Okay, Mandy, I think I get it. I’ve picked up a bit about the former French colonies in West Africa—my guess would be that Idrissa is a Muslim and maybe he wants David raised in the Islamic faith?”

Mandy would have fallen if Danny hadn’t caught her and she stared into his eyes. “Yes, Danny, how could you know?”

“Just a guess, Mandy—so, now, am I going to meet your gorgeous son?”

Mandy laughed out loud, and a little later they arrived at a modest house, and Mandy introduced him first to her friend, Carole, and then to David. Danny saw a happy, gurgling little boy, obviously well cared for and showing marked similarities to Mandy, in spite of his colour.

Danny squatted on his heels and beckoned to David who crawled over to investigate this new phenomenon, and clutched at Danny’s finger when he held it out. “I think David has a new friend,” Carole laughed.

Mandy wore a broad smile when she looked at Danny and said, “You two look so good together. He really likes you, and he doesn’t take easily to newcomers.”

Danny laughed in reply. “Okay, I know when I’m being set up; it’s not that I don’t like it, I just know it’s happening. You’re right, he’s a lovely kid, and I’d like to see more of him, on one condition.”

“Which is?” Mandy expressed her curiosity, but secretly, she was hoping for the answer that Danny gave her—“that I can see his mum as well! How about we all go out for a picnic on Sunday—I’ll bring the transport if you bring the food; men are no good with sandwiches. How about I call round about midday?”

Mandy was rapt. “It’s a date, Danny, thank you so much,” and she grabbed his face in her hands and planted a warm kiss across his mouth.

Danny arrived at Mandy’s place at midday precisely on the following Sunday.

*Star* You have the following choices: *Star*

1. Mandy tells him that David's dad has arrived in town and wants to meet Danny *

2. Mandy says that David's dad has begged Mandy to hide him from the authorities *

3. Mandy tells him that David's dad is threatening to take David back to Senegal *
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