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The ladies of Star Wars undergo some much needed growth.
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Chapter #4

A separatist experiment

    by: doomkop
The laboratory is an imposing structure, buried deep within a remote asteroid base. It is a vast, sterile environment, filled with the hum of high-tech machinery and the flickering glow of computer screens. The walls are lined with sleek, metallic surfaces, reflecting the cold, clinical atmosphere of the room.

In the center of the lab stands a reinforced examination table, designed to restrain even the most powerful beings. Surrounding it is a network of intricate machinery, including robotic arms equipped with syringes, scanning devices, and monitoring systems. Various tubes and wires snake across the floor, connecting the table to an array of advanced medical and scientific apparatus.

Holographic displays hover in mid-air, projecting detailed readouts of vital signs, muscle density, and cellular activity. The screens pulse with data, showing the complex processes that are about to be undertaken. The air is thick with the scent of antiseptic and ozone, a testament to the sterile conditions maintained within the facility.

The lighting is harsh and unyielding, casting sharp shadows that emphasize the cold, impersonal nature of the environment. Fluorescent lights flicker above, their white glare illuminating the various tools and instruments arranged meticulously on nearby tables. Shelves stocked with vials of mysterious liquids, surgical tools, and datapads line the walls, showcasing the extensive resources available for the experiment.

A team of SEPARATIST SCIENTISTS, clad in white lab coats and equipped with protective gear, move about with precision and purpose. They speak in hushed tones, their expressions a mix of anticipation and apprehension as they prepare for the procedure. Each scientist is focused on their specific task, ensuring that everything is in perfect order.

DR. TARVAS, the lead scientist, stands at the forefront. He is a stern and methodical figure, his face partially obscured by a surgical mask. His eyes, however, reveal a sharp intelligence and a hint of excitement. He moves with a deliberate calm, overseeing every detail of the operation with a practiced eye.

DR. Tarvas spoke with authority "Ventress, this procedure will enhance your physical capabilities beyond normal limits. Utilizing a proprietary serum derived from rare Korriban crystals, we aim to increase muscle mass and strength exponentially."

Asajj Ventress lies on the examination table, her expression a mix of determination and defiance. The restraints on her wrists and ankles seem almost unnecessary given her voluntary participation, but they remain in place as a precaution. Around her, the scientists finalize their preparations, double-checking instruments and adjusting settings on the various machines.

Asajj glances at the various equipment, her expression unwavering.

"Get on with it, Tarvas. I have battles to win." she said calmly.

"Patience, Ventress. This is a delicate process. The serum will integrate with your cellular structure, amplifying your strength and endurance. The pain will be intense, but the results will be... extraordinary." DR. Tarvas says leaning in with cold and caclculating voice.

"Pain is nothing new to me. Just make sure it works." the sith assassin said smirking

He signals to the scientists, who begin activating the machinery. The robotic arms whir to life, descending towards Asajj with mechanical precision. The hum of energy fills the room as the experiment commences, the air crackling with anticipation.

"This better be worth it." she said with a grimace.

The syringes inject a glowing, green serum into her veins. Asajj’s body reacts almost instantly. Her muscles begin to twitch and expand, veins pulsing with the influx of the serum.

Her biceps and triceps swell dramatically, the skin stretching taut as muscle fibers thicken and multiply. Veins bulge prominently, snaking across the surface as her arms grow larger and more defined. Her fingers clench into fists, the knuckles whitening under the strain of her newfound strength. The muscles bulge and twist like living ropes under her skin, each one growing visibly larger and more pronounced with every passing second.

Asajj Ventress is gritting her teeth
"I... can feel it...".

The transformation spreads across her body. Her shoulders broaden, the deltoid muscles ballooning outward, creating a powerful, sculpted silhouette. Her traps rise like rugged mountains, adding to her formidable presence. The muscles thicken and surge, each new growth accompanied by a visceral, almost organic sound of stretching and expanding tissue.

DR. Tarvas observes the procedure intently
"Remarkable. The serum is accelerating muscle growth beyond our calculations."

Her chest expands, pectorals swelling with dense, striated muscle. Each breath she takes causes her chest to rise and fall dramatically, the fabric of her attire struggling to contain her growing form. Her breasts begin to swell, pushing against her tight attire, the skin stretching as her cup size increases significantly. Her chest heaves, the growth almost painful yet intoxicatingly powerful.

Her abdominal muscles tighten and expand, each segment becoming more pronounced and chiseled. The skin stretches painfully, revealing a washboard of solid muscle. Each crunch of her abs feels like iron bands tightening and growing, her midsection transforming into an impenetrable wall of strength.

"More... I need more..." Ventress tries to say while panting

Her legs, already powerful, transform into pillars of sheer strength. Quadriceps bulge obscenely, the muscles becoming hyper-defined. Her calves swell, the tight cords of muscle stretching the skin to its limits. Her stance widens as her lower body grows disproportionately stronger, grounding her in newfound power. The muscles ripple and flex with each small movement, the power in her legs now capable of propelling her with incredible force.

Her glutes begin to expand, the muscles thickening and rounding out her form. Her gluteus muscle swells, filling out her attire with firm, sculpted curves. The growth enhances her athletic build, adding a powerful, yet feminine, dimension to her physique. The pressure in her buttocks grows, each muscle fiber stretching and strengthening, adding to her overall power and stability.

The machines continue to work, enhancing every part of Asajj’s physique. The scientists monitor the progress, awed and a little fearful of the rapid transformation.

"Give... me... everything..." Asajj grunts with a guttural voice.

The final phase begins as the serum's full effect takes hold. Her back muscles ripple and expand, forming an intricate landscape of raw power. Each movement causes her back to flex and stretch, the muscles contorting and hardening into an imposing frame. Her lats flare out, making her silhouette broader and more imposing. Her neck thickens, veins pulsing, adding to her intimidating presence.

DR. Tarvas is smiling satisfied "It is done.".

The machinery powers down, and the robotic arms retract. Asajj sits up, her breath heavy but controlled. She flexes her newly enhanced muscles, feeling the immense power coursing through her veins. Her fingers trail along her bulging biceps and rock-hard abs, a smirk forming on her lips. Her whole body feels like it’s humming with raw power, each muscle fiber a coiled spring ready to unleash devastation.

Her beauty, fierce and striking, is magnified by her transformation. Her skin glows with vitality, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous allure. The combination of her increased physical power and rising beauty makes her an awe-inspiring figure, both terrifying and mesmerizing.

This... this is incredible." she declared with a low voice filled with power.

"You are now the pinnacle of our advancements, Ventress. A true force of nature." the doctor says in a prideful tone.

Asajj Ventress smirks as she flexes her new bicep "The Jedi will cower before me."

She stands, her new form towering and exuding strength. Her movements are fluid yet powerful, a testament to her enhanced physique. Every step she takes is filled with a newfound sense of unstoppable power.

"You are now the ultimate weapon of the Separatists. Go, and crush the Jedi." Tarvas says with a coldly tone.

She's nodding "Their demise is assured. This power... it's intoxicating."

Asajj smirks, her eyes gleaming with newfound power. She retrieves her lightsabers, feeling the enhanced strength in her grip. Her fingers wrap around the hilts with a vice-like grip, the metal creaking slightly under the pressure.

"The Jedi won’t know what hit them." Ventress mumurs to herself

She strides out of the laboratory, her confidence and allure radiating off her. Her newfound power and beauty make her an even more formidable force. As she leaves, Dr. Tarvas and the scientists exchange looks of both admiration and trepidation, aware of the unstoppable force they have unleashed.

"Keep monitoring her vitals. I want to ensure there are no unforeseen side effects." DR. Tarvas whispered to a scientist

The scientist noded "Understood, Doctor. But... are we certain we can control her?" he asked.

DR. Tarvas was smiling slightly "Control is an illusion. We can only hope she remains aligned with our cause." Travas declared

The scientist noded.

You have the following choices:

1. tries to kill Count Dooku

2. returns to the night sisters

3. goes on hunting jedi

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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