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Review #3221457
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 Happy Birthday, Jack  [13+]
Jack revisits old memories, when he receives a disturbing phone call from the past.
by Riot
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Rated: 13+ | N/A (Unratable.)
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Categorizing a story as "horror/scary" is simple: writing one that delivers the chills is not. "Happy Birthday, Jack accomplishes exactly that. Never gory, never graphic, this flash piece delivers the chills. I'm so thankful I did not read this story at night; nevertheless, I expect to have nightmares. I can't wait to read more from this author!

The descriptive imagery is just excellent, not only vivid, but creatively original. Just one or two quick examples:
The thudding music vibrated off the walls, its persistent beat rattling everyone’s chest. Someone had babbled something to him however he had been too influenced by the beer to care and too overwhelmed by the music to hear.


Unlike here in Seattle, where hostile rain clouds could appear without a moment's notice, the bitter rain ruthless in its assault.

As you can see, Riot rolls out the creative skills and gives us imagery we need alll our senses to interpret and perceive. As we do, we make the story a part of ourselves, so that its content and impact will linger with us (and oh! that impact! Unforgettable!)

We have a neatly-interwoven and actually quite unexpected plot (I was geared up for something quite different and more ordinary in the past-what the author gives us is far more poignant and powerful) and a wonderful use of character delineation. Even from the perspective of generational differences and gender opposition, I really came to know, like, and empathise with Jack-his character is so well uncovered for us as readers.

I had a few grammatical points I would like to see address, but in its entirety, I hope everyone will read this very marvelous story--just not at night, and not when alone. Reader: chill warning ahead!

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by Hanne-Marie
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 12/14/2009 @ 6:31pm EST
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