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Review of First Kiss  
Review by Casey
Rated: E | (4.0)
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The dreamlike quality of your poem is most interesting. Of course, you must be careful with the "lilacs" because all I can hear and see is "when lilacs last in the courtyard bloomed" and Walt Whitman comes racing into my thought taking me away from your subject. I know you are not consciously trying to 'copy' Walt, but those darn blooming lilacs are almost an icon for me. I could
be wrong, here, so you might ask others about this allusion and my attitude toward it. Forgive me if I am nitpicking.

Your images bring the poem to life. You may have meant to belittle that memory of first love, seeing as how it was next to a chicken house?! Maybe you meant for it to be funny? There was a lot of "sashayin' " and fertile goings on in that farmyard. Even the clouds were flirting. It must have been spring, huh? Does a five year- old really know what it means to kiss one another; to "flirt". I have probably lived too long and forgotten. For, after all, your story IS about "first love".

Your third verse sort of brings everything back to earth, to a conclusion. He WAS someone in your young heart that you remembered and loved. Perhaps he was your first inkling of what love is all about? In that sense you have written a stunning poem to make me realize this. I like your work. It rings "true".
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 09/24/2011 @ 12:27am EDT
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