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Review #3625456
Viewing a review of:
The Wood Carver  [E]
He worked a lifetime for forgiveness. (Form: Narrative in tetrameter)
by 🌕 HuntersMoon
Review of The Wood Carver  
Review by Casey
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I enjoyed reading your story about the woodcarver and his "but first do no harm" attitude to nature or man. Your wood carver has great character and seems Christ-like to me. Your meter is perfect. (I looked and could find only l line where you were just l little syllable short!) Over such a long poem, this is difficult to sustain! You are a carver of well-made poetry.
The character in your story seems strong and courageous in the path he takes to redeem
himself after letting his pride get the better of him. The "turn" (as I see it ) in your poem is very nicely done and the line is especially poignant: "He spent his years tending the glade/ choosing quiet obscurity".
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 11/28/2011 @ 9:07am EST
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