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Review #4152137
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by A Guest Visitor
Review of Autumn  
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi ~ Santa Sisco ~ *Smile*

*Balloonr* Happy 15 WDC Anniversary my friend. !!*Balloonr*
How are you?.*Smile*

I'm Samberine Everose one of your friends and fans here in WDC and I'm here to give you a review as my *GiftR* to you on this awesome WDC celebration.

The first thing that did hook me while visiting your port-home and looking for something new to review is the given title of your piece.
First its about nature, I love Nature.

Second the given imagery while looking at the given title.
Autumn is beautiful and wonder full, second to summer as my favorite season.

Good job*Thumbsup* on alluring a reader.

I like the way how you crafted the lines, I can say that every line creates on imagery about the Autumn season.

Why sunny days lost,?

One thing that I like Autumn is the sun still shine but it looks harder, and shinier having on amber look.
We don't have Autumn here, but we have falling of leaves and do the harvesting before the coming of Winter or December.

Rain sprinkled over everything- Does Autumn season sprinkling a rain?

I just have only a deep thinking on those words. *Smile*

Over all, I can say that I like and love this piece of yours.
You do well in creating poetry. *Salute*
The given award deserves well. CONGRATUKATIONS!!! and Well Done!!

Until next reviewing again!, and always keep on smiling while stay on writing/reviewing.*Smile*

Samberine Sig.
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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