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Review #4153903
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Review by ~Lifelessons~
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: | (4.5)
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Greetings ENB my name is ~Lifelessons~ and I am here to review this poem "Moonlight Love" which I found in the Angel Army review list.

*Fairy3* First Impression *Fairy3*

A beautifully written piece of two lovers under the moon. May the kiss under a thousand stars 'n dream under the largest moon. May the sands of memories stay as crystals in their hearts to remain over time. Oh-the passionate flutter in the winds of a midnight love.

This piece is beautiful and the imagery is lovely. I see so many conventions that brought me to a soft moment. Easy pleasures of sounds from words you have chosen.

*Fairy* Conventions *Fairy*


The repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of the line and throughout. Nicely done!*FairyL*
those ominous things their hearts do not bear,


This convention was a little harder for me and still trying. Although using the proper punctuation it is easier to do.
A run-on line of poetry in which logical grammatical sense carries over into the next line.

They soar above the clouds of life;
those ominous things their hearts do not bear,
love lifts them off their feet:
straight into the air...
Hand in hand they glide -
a sweet dance,
a glorious trance,
a symphony of silent thoughts;
passion reigns supreme.*Fairy2*


A comparison between two unlike things
as you used it in this line:
Soft like whispers the stars illume

A beautiful free verse that gave a lovely imagery. Soft sounds making it more pleasant to the ear.

*Writing* Favorite Lines *Writing*

a symphony of silent thoughts;

A perfect example of a Hyperbole with soft sounds making me wonder what thoughts would be like if they were silent. Inner peace I would imagine.*Angel*


The only suggestion i have would be to change

souls that o're the night fly away...

It was the only word that caught me off guard with the meter and flow. somehow I don't see it fitting.

I loved this piece and it was wonderful to read. I loved the conventions you used to make it that more enjoyable. Great use of punctuation that spoke to me instead of reading it. Thank you for sharing!

I hope you are enjoying the week of festivities on the site!!


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   *CheckG* You responded to this review 09/08/2015 @ 4:09pm EDT
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4153903