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Review #4355347
Viewing a review of:
October Nano Prep: 2016 Calendar  [E]
The calendar of daily challenges accompanying the October NaNo Prep Challenge for 2016.
by Brandiwyn🎶
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Brandiwyn, I am reviewing your assignment "October Nano Prep: 2016 Calendar" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This a calendar for the October Nano Prep of 2016. This calendar starts on October 1st and end October 31st. This calendar provides those participating in the prep with daily required writing. The writers have until 11:59 wdc time to complete the daily writing. If the writing is not done before the designated time. The writer is then no longer in the race to see who can finish the prep and win prizes. Many can not complete the challenge because it requires dedication.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This assignment is well written, I have nothing to suggest to you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any spelling or grammar errors.

♥ Overall: This is ultimate prep of all preps in preparation for NaNo in November. This is a great competition, full of amazing support. Thank you for making this comp happen here on wdc, we truly appreciate you.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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