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Review #4436364
Viewing a review of:
 An Open Letter To My Rapist.  [18+]
The title says it all. Has extremely adult themes and real details of my sexual assault.
by Mercedes Dilorenzo
Review by Emily
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Hi Mercedes Dilorenzo ! I'm here in your port today to read and review your open letter in celebration of your new account here on WDC! Welcome! *GiftT* *Bigsmile*

*StarB* WOW! What an emotional piece, Mercedes! Thank you very much for having the courage to share this powerful message. It is so personal to you and I can feel your anger while reading. I'm very glad you've been able to rise above this terrible experience in your life and take control once more. It is important to remember that people can do horrific, terrible things, but it is up to only you how those things will change your life. It seems you've been able to use this experience to make you a better and stronger person, which is really inspirational. If you ever need to talk, my email is always open.

*StarG* Your grammar and punctuation in this piece are very good. The only typo I noticed was that "Unkle" should be spelled "Uncle." *Smile* Other suggestions to help give this piece more weight might be to increase the font size to a 4 or 4.5 using the {size:#} code. WDC has a lot of those "WritingML" codes to learn, so here is a guide for how to use them: WritingML Help Or, when editing your piece, if you highlight what you want to change the size on, and then click the size icon above the editing window, that would apply the code for you.

*StarB* My final suggestion would be to format your writing more like the letter you intend it to be by adding a "Dear..." line (you don't have to add the real name. You could just say, "Dear Rapist,") and a "From" line (again, you don't have to add your real name, you could say, "From, A Survivor.")

*StarG* Again, welcome to writing.com and thank you for sharing your writing! It was a pleasure reading. Take care,

For SuperPower Reviewers Group
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group E: Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!

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