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Review #4477087
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 Father  [E]
A poem about wanting to be a father, but it is taken away.
by A.S Kilosnikoft
Review of Father  
Review by Dave
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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*Rainbowl*   *Sun*   *Rainbowr*

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon and "The Rockin' Reviewers! *BalloonR*

Greetings, Artem!

Welcome to this wondrous writing community, and to the "The Rockin' Reviewers group, in particular. I saw your name listed as one of our new members on the "Gang's Monthly Review Board and wanted to offer a few observations in the interest of friendly hospitality and constructive support. Of course, they are nothing more than one person's opinions, so take them or leave them for whatever you think they may be worth.


The title of this poem evokes the tender affection many of us feel for our parents, and invites the random browser inside the realm of your imagination to share that experience.


In traditional poetry, the fixed shape of the meter, rhyme, and stanza creates an emotional distance which facilitates universal acceptance. The poet writing free verse must compensate for the lack of traditional structure by designing the title, line, stanza, and rhythm to provide the greatest impact in an efficient manner. Otherwise, the poem will be nothing more than prose in disguise. Careful design of the word selection and arrangement, the length and density of each line, and the breakdown of stanzas must provide a natural rhythm. That is, through much toil in search of precise language, experimentation with forming lines and stanzas, and extensive revision, the poet carefully crafts a work that appears natural, authentic, and convincing to the reader.

The stanza breaks help to control the pacing and sharpen the focus, offering the reader an opportunity to absorb each thought more completely before moving along to the next.

The consistency of the couplet (two-line stanza) arrangement projects a tone of orderly contemplation, which contrasts sharply with the wild variation in line structure, ranging from three to eighteen syllables, in no particular pattern. This creates a sense of tension to complement the situation your narrator is discussing.


Your exposition covers a very sensitive topic which is very rarely considered in our society today. These situations are frequently disposed without due consideration of all parties involved.


You have touched a raw nerve with this exposition and opened the door for much needed discussion. Thank you for sharing!

Here's wishing you fair winds as you continue to navigate the universe known as Writing.Com.

Let the creativity flow from your soul! *Cool*
"The Poet's Place

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 04/15/2019 @ 9:12am EDT
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4477087