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Review #4477174
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Ivan & Flint  [18+]
A chilling true story
by Laurie Razor
Review of Ivan & Flint  
Review by Angus
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Osiyo, Laurie! (that’s ‘hello’ in Cherokee)
Have I ever been on the precipice of death?
Been shot at (twice)
Fell out of my Jeep and landed on my head resulting in being a coma for 24 hours with a blood clot on my brain (cerebral hematoma).
Had a tree almost fall on me (twice) while cutting firewood
But hey, I’m still here!
Anyway, this is indeed a frightening story, and I totally understand why you’ll never forget that night, or this nutcase’s comment.
I’ve never been in a situation like this (knock on wood!), but if I ever were, I’d hightail it out of there too! Especially at the first mention of ‘how easy it was to skin people alive’!
“We didn’t get them.” That’s proof that real life horror can be scarier than fictional horror.
When I was a kid growing up in the 70s, school shootings and child abductions didn’t exist, or if the latter one did, it was extremely rare. My mother ‘kidnapped’ me after my folks divorced, but that was a different matter. After a few weeks she gave me back to my father. My dad didn’t press charges, and she didn’t get in any trouble because the laws were different back then. These days it’s out of the parent’s hands, and if that happened now she would be facing some serious jail time.
You didn’t say where this happened, but I’m guessing it might have been in a large city. But even if it wasn’t, weird things like this happen everywhere these days, regardless of the population.
I was born in Anchorage, AK, and the pop. in the 70s was about 150,000.
When I was 11, my dad and I moved to a small town in California (Weed, to be exact-yes, it’s a real town-google it! *Bigsmile*). 10 years after I graduated, I came across an old friend from high school who was constantly getting in trouble with the law. He ended up moving in with me for a few months. Oddly enough he had a brother up in Anchorage who wanted to help him, so he sent him a plane ticket and told him to go up there so he’d stay out trouble.
Here’s where it gets really weird.
After he went up there, he kept on getting in trouble (a lot drinking didn’t help) and his brother kicked him out of his house. He wound up living in Rocket Park. Within a year of leaving Weed, I found out he’d been stabbed to death in the park, which ironically was 10 blocks from the house I grew up in! I used to ride my bike in that park a lot when I was a kid!
So to sum this up: I left a big city where there was a lot of violence and moved to a smaller town where it was safer. I was getting in trouble up there and starting to hang out with gangs, which was partially why we moved.
I meet a dude in the small town who’s getting in trouble there, and he moves up to a big city to get out of trouble, and ends up getting killed!
The distance from Anchorage to Weed is approximately 1,786 miles as the crow flies, so for him to die 10 blocks from my old house blows my mind!
What are the odds?
Sorry. I digress.
Anyway, I’m surprised you guys didn’t call 911 and report this Ivan freak. Or did you? The idea of him possibly being out there somewhere is chilling!
Kee ponw ritin gon, Laurie! Thanks for sharing this true childhoold nightmare-I’m sure it wasn’t easy to write-and have a great day!

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