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Review #4752500
Viewing a review of:
 Shadows of Darkness  [XGC]
One day while you were packing for a camping trip when suddenly...
by Sonic42
Review by Ashok Banerjee
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: XGC | (4.0)
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It is the autobiography of Nick. He is the central character, too. He has crashed on Nikki, his classmate. , Nathan, the best friend of Nick, also be part of the trip. But, Nikki is the main attraction. Suddenly, before the start of the camp trip, the television begins automatically in the dark room. What does it want to say?
Suspense creates.
It is a bit descriptive. Avoid this mood. Your writing will be more interesting.
This interactive story has a lot of possibilities to be a great story.
I wish you all the best.
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