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Review #4759689
Viewing a review of:
 The Call  [E]
Years after "giving up" on writing, a budding author returns to the fold.
by Not_a_City_Boy
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Review of The Call  
Review by JACE
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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An Angel Army Review

Hi Not_a_City_Boy .

I'm JACE , and I have the honor of reading and reviewing your offering "The Call.

I invite your attention to the comments below. Please bear in mind these notes are from one on the outside looking in; ultimately only you can decide what's right for your story.

Overall Impression. Coincidence? I think perhaps. I just answered your post from "Noticing Newbies, and then find your offering on the site's Read & Review feature, which by the way, lists items from random people who are online at that moment or just recently.

I enjoy reding essays about why people write. I found your effort to be very lucid and well thought out. Great start using a short anecdote to invite your reader in. It made me want to read more.

I often write just for the cathartic aspect of writing. Some of it I post for others, but sometimes it's just for me. After all, not everything is for public consumption.

This is a great life-story. The fact that you've started penning such stories at a young age puts you far ahead of me. I didn't start until later in life. But I'm catching up and hope to have a book of tales for my kids and grand-kids.

Speaking of my kids, my son currently lives in Denton. Small world. Well, I suppose one can't say small when Texas is concerned.

Writing cannot be called easy to do. But your thoughts seem to find their way onto a page in easy manner. Remember, you're the master of your own written destiny. Don't let anyone steal that from you. Humor helps; use it when you can.

Technical and Editorial Considerations. In this section I normally list those areas that relate specifically to the mechanics of your writing--punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.

         *Bullet* A suggestion I have for you is in the area of technical. Some members use their phones or small screen laptops to surf WDC. The site defaults to a 3.0 size font when posting the written word--like this sentence.
 Consider making your default 3.5--it's easy to do with the Edit icons at the top of your text box. Just highlight your entire story, click on the Size icon (sSS) and click on 3.5.  My review uses a 3.5 size font.

         *Bullet* One last suggestion. Get your thoughts down on paper without editing. Only edit your work after you've put on paper what you want to say.

My Rating.  4.5

Thank you for sharing this offering. Please accept these comments as offered in friendship and support. They are but my humble opinion.

Reviewed by

Non-Animated Angel Army Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 06/30/2024 @ 9:35pm EDT
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4759689