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Horror/Scary: April 08, 2020 Issue [#10059]

 This week: Phobias And Superstitions
  Edited by: Angus
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
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3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
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About This Newsletter

"Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see."
~ Edgar Allan Poe ~

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Letter from the editor

Not to sound overly obvious, but some phobias and superstitions can be considered fears, and fear is the meat of the horror story. Even if they’re not based on scientific fact, there are those out there who believe their future can be altered by something as simple as a little black puddy tat crossing their path. Of course there’s the flip side of this too; some folks think finding a four leaf clover will bring them good luck. But for the purposes of this newsletter, I’ll keep the subject to the darker aspect.

Phobias and superstitions can be traced back to ancient times, maybe even before I was born (the first time). Phobias likely go back further though, since they are indeed based on real fears. And there’s plenty of ‘em out there! Some folks are scared of spiders or snakes, heights or enclosed spaces, the number 13, or being around large groups of people (I’m a bit of this latter one, agoraphobia; there was a time in my life when I couldn’t go into a WalMart *Sad*. But it saved me a lot of money from impulsive buying! *Laugh*). The list goes on and on, and there’s some pretty wild ones out there.

I don’t know where or how superstitions began (I have an inkling some are connected to old wives’ tales), but there’s plenty of those out there too. I won’t say whether I believe in any or not, but I will say I usually err on the side of caution when it comes to walking under a ladder. Not so much when it comes to stepping on a crack and breaking my mother’s back, though.

In a sense, some superstitions are related to legends (depending on how you interpret one or the other) that have been passed down through generations. Native American’s have many legends, as do other cultures throughout the world. Is Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster a legend, or a superstition?

Or are they real? *Smirk2*

Years ago I started writing a novel about the Lemurians, legendary little people who allegedly lived inside Mt. Shasta, the mountain where I grew up around (also wrote a short story). They held watch over their city, Lemuria, made entirely of gold. I put a twist on it and made them evil trolls who found their way out of the mountain and started killing people. I never finished it (along with many other ‘novels’ I started), but I wanted to mention it as an example of how a legend might be used for a horror story.

As for using phobias for a good horror story, the possibilities are endless! Just Google phobias, or be creative and make one up yourself! I once knew a girl who was afraid to wear socks! Not really, but I’ve heard of crazier things!

Kee ponw ritin gon, my friends, and until next time, please stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other!

Editor's Picks

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A Beautiful Lady  (18+)
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 A Family Mystery  (E)
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Unburied  (GC)
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