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Horror/Scary: May 06, 2020 Issue [#10152]

 This week: Poltergeists
  Edited by: Angus
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

“The world has moved on.”
Roland Deschain in Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series

“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
~ Dorothy Gale ~ (a.k.a. Judy Garland)
The Wizard of Oz

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Letter from the editor

Before these ‘uncertain times’ came around, I used to spend a good portion of my days in the public library computer lab reading and reviewing WdC stories. But with the Stay At Home Orders (or ‘house arrest’ *Bigsmile*), I’ve spent most of my time sitting on my couch watching TV. One show in particular has caught my eye: Paranormal Caught On Camera on The Travel Channel.

I gotta tell ya, if you’re not a believer in ghosts, poltergeists, spirits, or anything dealing with the afterlife, this show might make you reconsider. The videos they show are shocking, weird, and downright bizarre! Some were filmed by ‘ghost hunters’, but many were filmed by regular folks in the right place at the wrong time, the wrong place at the right time, or any combination of these. Some were even on security cameras.

Having witnessed a few (not many) paranormal events in my life, I have to confess to being a believer. I saw my deceased mother as a bright light when I was young (although that might be considered a spiritual event rather than a paranormal one), and I feel her presence once in a while (I break out in goose bumps). I’ve also had some unexplained things happen in the houses I’ve lived in, but none more than the one I’ve been occupying for the last nine years.

It’s an older house—probably built in the 50s or 60s—small, four rooms, and it’s not the prettiest one on the block. The exterior paint is peeling and it leans about 2 degrees to one side (seriously!). But the roof doesn’t leak and the rent’s cheap, so I can’t complain. The things that happen here though, especially in the bathroom, have no rational explanation.

The most common one is things falling off shelves. Every once in a while I’ll find my razor or shaving lotion in the sink, or my shampoo laying in the bathtub. That’s nothing extraordinary, but I live by myself and I know darn good and well I didn’t leave them there. What did freak me out was when I was headed to the bathroom one evening and the light suddenly turned on by itself.

The best one was yet to come: one day I was sitting in my living room when I heard something shatter in the kitchen. I walked in and found a broken glass on the kitchen floor.

I asked my landlady about this, and she said she’s only had one other tenant ‘complain’ of weird things happening here. I asked her what room, and although she couldn’t be sure, she thought it was in the bathroom.


So…am I frightened by these mysterious events? No. In fact, I think it’s kind of neat. If I have to have a roommate, why not a ghost?

As long as they take it easy on my dishes.

Editor's Picks

Ailurophobia  (13+)
Sometimes phobias are a good thing.
#2189893 by ForeverDreamer

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#2217673 by Not Available.

Horror  (13+)
For stories that are creepy, scary or gory.
#2085140 by Cat Voleur

The Cargo  (18+)
A SCREAMS!!! Contest Entry
#2219313 by Mastiff

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#2214811 by Not Available.

The Gingerbread Man  (18+)
A detective catches the serial killer. Winner of SCREAMS!!! 3/30/2020.
#2217346 by Beholden

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#2169817 by Not Available.

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#2165579 by Not Available.

🏆 Find Us - - 1st Place  (13+)
What all is Alex about to encounter when he takes over the family ranch?--"family secrets"
#2166185 by 🎼 RRodgersWrites 🎶

The tollbooth  (13+)
From his booth, Bill collects the travelers coins but tonight he pays the toll.
#1666628 by James Heyward

That Night on Redcrag Street  (13+)
We weren't friends. But we shared a bond that surpassed even the fear of a haunted house.
#2171541 by Rustika - M.I.A.

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#2208945 by Not Available.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

There was only one response for my last NL asking if anyone had a phobia or superstition. ForeverDreamer said my NL was interesting. Thanks, ForeverDreamer! He also submitted a cool story about phobias, which I’ve included in the Editor’s Picks below!

This month’s question: Have you ever experienced anything paranormal? Ghosts, UFOs, anything?

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