Mystery: May 13, 2020 Issue [#10170]
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 This week: Small Town Mysteries
  Edited by: Gaby ~ Finding my way back
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

“The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.”
― Anais Nin

“The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets...”
― Sara Shepard, Flawless

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Small towns are known for its familiarity. The people living there, small shops, the grumpy old lady that is at the store every day at the same time, full of gossip and waiting to hear the next best thing, is all part of a small town. If you've lived or live in a small town, you know exactly what I'm talking about. In a big city, there might be sections of it, where people are more familiar with each other, know their neighbor five streets over, but further away, it's all lost on the rest of the world.

Security and trust are what's most common in areas like that. Everyone knows everyone. The daily routine can be almost impossible to break because it's a person's habitual nature to do the same on a regular basis. We enjoy certain thing, go to work at certain times, and get home at a specific hour, just to do it all over again. Each get together is known by the entire neighborhood, if not the whole town. Every adult and child participate in the town's celebration. Nothing is unexpected.

Until a murder happens or a disappearance. That's something that will shake the entire town and change their view of people, their perspective on whom they can really trust. The gossiping lady is the first to cast doubt on the trouble makers in town, or that drunk old man who prefers not to talk to her. The whispers spread like wildfire, but in truth, no one knows who could truly be so evil to commit a heinous crime. Even a small town can't escape murder. It is only more shocking to its residents because they don't see such terrible things. Murder happens only in big cities where you hear about them on the news or read about them in the newspaper. But is it really so?

Small towns are a writers heaven. Close knit community shaken to the core by something terrible. You can use it for any given genre almost, but for the mystery writer, it can create a beautiful world of devastating creations. You might suspect the crabby next door neighbor who always has a scowl on his face but in reality it's the one across the street who looks perfectly normal, is always polite and helpful, or perhaps the woman adjacent to him has held a grudge for a long time, couldn't take it anymore and decided to off the victim in question.

You're the judge, the story teller, the decision maker when it comes to it all. Small towns are a witches cooking cauldron where all sorts of spices get thrown into the mix for a better flavor. Now if only one would taste it.

*Wink* 'Til next time!
~ Gaby *WitchHat*

Editor's Picks

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#2213374 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#2220335 by Not Available.

Jessy leaves home to work,never returns ,investigation fails,disappearance yet a mystery.
#2220887 by kranand

 A Family Mystery  (E)
Cheryl hosts a family reunion, but an uninvited guest showed up.
#2211733 by Pernell Rogers

 The Good Alibi  (E)
Two kids in an adventure and cover up.
#2211351 by timcole

Detecting the Detective  (ASR)
Just who is under investigation? Contest Entry
#2209805 by Richard ~ Shenanigans INC.

 A Few Questions  (13+)
An officer has a few questions for a hotel guest.
#2209520 by Detective

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Word from Writing.Com

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