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Spiritual: July 01, 2020 Issue [#10247]

 This week: July at Last
  Edited by: Prosperous Snow celebrating
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

July at last!
It seems like seven hundred years have passed
since we dropped the ball in Time Square
and celebrated a brand new decade and year.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Those who celebrated a new decade in January 2020, celebrated it one year too early. The new decade actually starts in 2021. In January 2021, we have another chance to celebrate a new decade and perhaps get the decade and the the year off to a better and more spiritual start. The trick now is to survive the next five months, or perhaps I should say five hundred years.

All we have to do is survive the next five months, and we can again celebrate a new decade. One way to survive the next five months is to expect tests, difficulties, and adversities. We do not have to know what form these adversities will take, we just have to expect them to occur. Another way to survive is to be grateful for everything we have, including the difficulties, adversities, and test. By being grateful for them, we accept their power to transform us and make us better human beings.

I feel like a butterfly
in my pupa case
waiting for my wings to grow.

Another thing I am grateful for is the prayer app on my smartphone. This app gives me access to both prayer and scriptures revealed by The Bab, Baha'u'llah, and 'Abdu'l-Baha. Since I expect to encounter more tests and difficulties over the next few months, I know I am going to have to access the prayer app more often. The wonderful thing about technology is that we can access the scriptures of every religion on the internet. This means we never have to lack for spiritual food, we just have to know how to search for what we want. The internet also gives us access to different meditation techniques, so we can find one that fits our needs.

Editor's Picks

 The Gift   (E)
A vision that came to me during a meditative session.
#1775994 by Thomas Seeker

Excerpt: I had a vision. I was outside a small temple, on a mound overlooking the picturesque landscape. It was a beautiful day, clear blue skies, everything was green and plush, and all of nature was alive. I was wandering around the temple searching, watching, or waiting for something. I had already been all over the country side, searching for something that I was not sure of. I had just returned to the temple grounds after what was a long journey. All of a sudden, I heard a voice saying to me “What are you looking for out here? Your gift is inside the temple, go in and get it.”

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#2222565 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Our pages' dearth decrees our prayers for death

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#2071883 by Not Available.

Excerpt: We live in a high-tech era, with instant everything, yet we’ve forfeited more than we can imagine. Too many of the resources of the past have been lost or forgotten, leaving us to live in a paradox of plenty.

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#2225088 by Not Available.

Excerpt: I come before you Lord in reverence and love

Love Thy Neighbor  (E)
Message to the Congregation
#2137896 by LegendaryMask❤️

Excerpt: When they asked me to speak tonight, I'd hadn't slept in days. I was like you want me to do what? So I prayed about it, and God led me to a situation that we are all in right now. A beginning, a place to start, Love thy Neighbor. We are in a chaotic world right now—a world full of doubt when it comes to trusting others.

 Why in the World?  (E)
My sleeping mind considers why the universe might exist.
#2045973 by Joto-Kai

Excerpt: He appeared to me, seated in a booth in a garden restaurant. At the time, the Old Man didn't look like much in his button-up plaid shirt and tan jacket. I think He saves the white beard and throne for the kings of old and their subjects. He didn't invite me, per se, to join Him. Instead, His presence drew me.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

shepherd46 writes: I love reciting the Lord's prayer and also by stating my "born again" allegiance to Jesus by saying: "Jesus Christ was born, lived a perfect life, was crucified, buried and rose again on the third day and will come again to judge the living and the dead."

shepherd46 writes: In the last couple of days I have been struggling with this virus. My faith in God and Jesus is strong but I have been allowing the fear of this virus to hype me up. I am going to focus today and from now on, on the good Lord and how He and his disciples and others around Him overcame such tremendous odds. This whole virus deal has shown me that I need to trust completely in God and Jesus and to do what I can to strengthen my faith. I thought that my faith was strong but this virus has shown me that I need to get closer to my God and read and apply words from the Bible.

Mia - craving colour writes: Lovely imagery in the balance of the two wings of a bird to highlight what true equality looks like. Thank you.

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