Poetry: April 14, 2021 Issue [#10717]
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 This week: Some Random Thoughts About NAPOWRIMO
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language. ~W. H. Auden

Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history. ~Plato

Poets are the sense, philosophers the intelligence of humanity. ~Samuel Beckett

A poet’s work … to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it from going to sleep. ~Salman Rushdie

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~Khalil Gibran

What the world wants, what the world is waiting for, is not Modern Poetry or Classical Poetry or Neo-Classical Poetry — but Good Poetry. And the dreadful disreputable doubt, which stirs in my own skeptical mind, is doubt about whether it would really matter much what style a poet chose to write in, in any period, as long as he wrote Good poetry. ~G. K Chesterton

Always be a poet, even in prose. ~Charles Baudelaire

Poets are shameless with their experiences: they exploit them. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. ~Robert Frost

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Letter from the editor

Some Random Thoughts

1. Ever since Brandon Leake won America's Got Talent with spoken word poetry and Amanda Gorman recited her poetry at the Inauguration, suddenly poetry has leapt into the foreground and become the 'cool kid on the block.' Couple this with April being National Poetry Month (in the US, at least) and suddenly poetry is everywhere! This makes me so very happy! People are googling their work to actually read their poetry. Part of the reason, sad as it may be, that their poetry has become so visible is because they had the opportunity to speak their poetry in front of large audiences. In a world where reading, has, pathetically, become no longer done for pleasure, hearing the poetry has awakened that lost soul and it is now screaming for attention. Now is the time for poets and their poetry to grab on and go for the ride!

2. Having committed myself to writing a poem a day for the month of April, I had a few second thoughts. Would I be able to commit the time and effort necessary to accomplish my mission? Well, that proved to be a non-issue ... at least at this point. Having had a dry spell, apparently, my muse has decided to go into overdrive. Makes me wonder, if having that challenge hanging overhead, isn't a good thing and something that could spark others into joining the fray!

3. NAPOWRIMO could also be a golden opportunity for those who don't 'think' they are poets, per se, to try their hand at it. I can think of a number of WDC-ers who consider themselves short story or novel writers who, given their 'poetic style of writing could be stellar at it if given the opportunity to spread their wings a bit. Focusing one's writing in one main area shouldn't necessarily preclude them from trying something new or, possibly, out of their comfort zone.

4. This could be a prime opportunity to try types of poetry that may be new to you. Google Sestinas or Pantoums. There are different versions of sestinas (primarily, the ordering of how the words repeat) so check out the variances and have some fun!

5. Thirteen days in and I have twenty-seven poems for the month. I think every idea I've had in the last six months is pouring out of me. Some days, I've written three or four. Other days, just one. One day, I thought I was done for the day. Was allllllmost asleep. Nope. My muse went, "What if you were to ..." and (sigh) I was up and heading back to the computer. A series of days of poetry can do that to you.

6. There's no prize for doing this. No grand reward. No parage or band marching down the hallway to wherever you write. There IS the satisfaction of taking on a challenge and achieving that goal. And, just because May isn't a national poetry month, it doesn't mean you couldn't try writing a poem a day for a month. If that sounds just too daunting, try for two weeks or a week. Point is, writing is writing and any day you are writing is a good one!

Editor's Picks

Behind the Circus  (ASR)
A sestina on the machinations of sinister suspects
#2248137 by Tileira

The Selkie's Child  (ASR)
Father raised me on the silver tales of Mother's kin (Sestina)
#1596901 by K Renée (on the road)

Room at the End  (13+)
Poem Written in Sestina Format About Dementia
#1627697 by ♥Hooves♥

Journey's End  (E)
Does the metronome beat of the clock ever end? (Form: Sestina) An Open Expressions Entry
#2158940 by 🌕 HuntersMoon

 Polar Swim  (E)
A hemi-sestina- new poetry form perhaps
#1833881 by fyn

Skirts of Rain  (E)
Pantoum about rain in summertime, and rain falls outside as muse.
#678452 by winklett in the woods

A Pantoum form for The Poets Place Cafe
#2202682 by Monty

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Ask & Answer

CircAid says: Great newsletter! I married an Irishman so I love all thing Irish lol

*glug* smiles!

Rhymer Reisen comments: You nailed this one! I appreciate the reference to magic, and I can attest your points and the way you lay them out are accurate. And now I’m smiling thinking of mentors passing it on by mentoring future mentors. What is the most trying aspect of being a mentor, in your opinion?

*Honestly, there isn't one. All you can do is put the info, ideas, encouragement out there to let them take it and run. Ahhh. OK. Got it. When they run off joyously to do their thing and don't look back because they don't need you anymore. Letting the birds leave the nest! LOL.*

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