Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12522-The-JOY-of-Writing.html
For Authors: April 24, 2024 Issue [#12522]

 This week: The JOY of Writing!
  Edited by: fyn
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

A word after a word after a word is power.~~Margaret Atwood

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.~~Louis L’Amour

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.~~Maya Angelou

I write for the joy of writing. It is the air I breathe and the joy of my life.~~Charlene Iverson

I've always associated the moment of writing with a moment of lift, of joy, of unexpected reward.~~Seamus Heaney

Writing is transformative—a process to explore, a practice to embrace, an art to celebrate. The more I learn about writing, the more I have to discover. That’s where I find the joy.~~Barbara Ann Yoder

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

I spent fourteen hours straight this past Saturday doing something I haven't really done in the past five years. At the end of the early morning, when the last word of the day drained out upon the page, I was absolutely exhausted and way too happy to do anything as mundane as sleep.

Aside from my newsletters and an occasional expulsion of a poem, I haven't written in far, far too long. I could look back now and offer excuses; blaming it on constraints of work or a home remodel or life in general but that bothers me because just how the heck did I let any of those day-to-day things derail me? Writing for me is like breathing. I've always said, "Cut me and I bleed ink." What the heck was wrong with me? What on earth was I thinking?

Certainly not for any lack of ideas as at least three, possibly four, books are clogging my grey matter, beseeching me to let them out to play. I told myself I simply didn't have the time. Too many other things always needed to be done. Too many things were way more important. I couldn't/shouldn't indulge myself when ...

And I've awakened! I wasn't merely indulging myself. Writing is never an indulgence. It is my air. It is how I interpret not only the world around me (good, bad, or indifferent) but how I interpret me!!! I really hadn't realized all I was missing until halfway through Saturday I was sitting at my desk and I couldn't read the monitor because I had tears just streaming down my face. I was just so flipping happy!

I'm still happy! More, I'm energized. I'm focused. And I will not not write ever again.

If you are a writer, and for whatever reason you've stopped ... seriously take it up again. You just might be so pleasantly surprised!

Editor's Picks

 Invalid Item 
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#2318398 by Not Available.

Self-Disclosure  (E)
Self-disclosure. If you can think of a better title, please share.
#2318293 by ~SilverMoon~

My thoughts on writing  (E)
Simple rumination...
#2305225 by Averren

 Do not let the cymbal ring!  (E)
A John Donne style meditation on the needs to abandon passive reading and start writing!
#2316817 by Akestra

How to Tell I'm Writing a New Book  (E)
Writing procrastination elevated to an art form.
#2313394 by Kathleen Cochran

 The Devil  (18+)
An inspiring author is plagued by self-imposed demons until the truth enlightens her.
#2312812 by J.R. PETE

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

brom21 says: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." That adage is good to keep in mind. In my opinion, the title is the easiest thing to create. lol. I'll be releasing my debut novel soon and I love the title I gave it. It's a Christain fantasy fiction novel called "The Gate of Vessels." I think it sounds unique and fitting for the premise. lol. God, bless, y'all!

Dave Ryan writes: You make a point I hadn't considered about candidate book titles. Without going into detail (you can read the book if you want to know more *Smile*) when I was a chubby teenage boy back in the late 70s I was forced against my will to wear an old-fashioned, heavy-duty panty girdle. When thinking about a title for a memoir, a slogan from an old Playtex ad came to me: "My Girdle Is Killing Me!" This gallows humour title seemed perfect and I came up with it very early on, but I'm now wondering if it's copyrighted by Playtex. I guess I need to do some research.

Hmmm - Maybe!

dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG comments: I very much appreciate this information about titles because although I think about what will work and consider options, sharing your ideas gives me more food for thought. I intend to closely look at the titles of my material now.

s adds: I am not precious about titles. I have had the titles of a lot of stories and two books changed by the publishers.

There are 2 exceptions: I hate titles that start with "The"; and my comedy works, the title is often a part of the humour.

Otherwise, the title is often the last thing I think of and more than half my works in my file have place-holder titles, normally the name of a character or two...

Sometimes, that's the way to go!

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