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Spiritual: November 15, 2006 Issue [#1379]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Becky Simpson
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         Here I am again, with some more advice, something I truly have no business doing except through the wisdom God placed in His Bible. So this month we will take a look at something very special. At least it should be special because this subject is near and dear to every person who believes in God, no matter what we may call him. Unfortunately, I am forced on this one to use only the Bible because I am not familiar enough with other religions to quote verse.

         The thing is, I shouldn’t need to quote passages or verses from your own religion because the underlying principle should be the same. So what are we discussing? Well, before I expose my subject let me ask you a question: Why do you love God? Ah, so you admit you do love God. Gotcha! Now in twenty-five words or less describe your relationship with God. No more, no less, please. Could you do it? I couldn’t.

         So, that’s our subject for this newsletter. Specifically what should our relationship be like with God and how do we explain it to others. The Bible hints at this in many ways before it finally just comes right out and tells us. Now you guys tune out for a minute; I have a question for the girls. When you fell in love, how did you feel? Okay, that’s the only hint I will give for now. Oh, before I forget, women hold a special place in the Bible. In this discussion I pull no punches, and if you are offended please understand, women are not second class citizens. – Becky Simpson

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Letter from the editor

         Not so very long ago I was attending a church I was not familiar with. As always when I attend an unfamiliar church I chose a Bible class purely by random. In this case I ended up in an adult class populated by mostly older individuals. This is not a bad thing, because, as it happens, older people have a degree of wisdom we younger often fail to acknowledge or appreciate. Written on the chalk board was this question, “How would you describe your relationship with God?” After a short introduction and welcome by the teacher, we began the discussion. I listened attentively but made no comment for quite a while, the whole time thinking what should our relationship be?

         To my surprise there were many answers given, each very good in its thought process, but most led to an additional question, “Are we predestined or a free will?” It was as if the class was having trouble getting its mind around the question. It struggled on for twenty minutes before I was brave enough to hold up my hand. When I did I made a comment that placed me squarely in the middle of the discussion. I simply said, “It is the same as a husband and wife.” Now this is a rather simplistic statement for a very complicated subject. So I was forced to explain. The following comments will lead you through my rambling discourse, though I hope perhaps a little more succinctly than I was able to accomplish in class.

          Let’s start with the principle which is stated clearly in Matthew the 22nd chapter where we read:

37) Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38) This is the first and great commandment.

Hmm, God would like you to love Him, with everything you are. Sounds just like a man doesn’t it? They want you to love them before anything else, be it kids, work, hobbies, or family; which is how it should be since God told us that we are to become one with our husbands. Not married? No worries, I’m sure you have had a boyfriend; they can be very jealous of your relationships with others. Ooops, we just let the cat out of the bag, God is a jealous God, He wants you to love Him and not give yourself to anything or anyone else. Wait, there is an exception, and it applies to women only. 1 Corinthians 7:34…but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.

         Now I don’t know about you, but it sounds like God knows his creations. He made woman as a helpmeet for man. Doesn’t it seem natural that she would desire to please her mate above all else. Um, before you men get too sure of yourself, slow down, deep breath, What I and the Bible just described is a woman in love. Trust me, as a woman I can tell you, love begats love, you cannot treat your wife like a slave and expect her to feel nothing but this overwhelming desire to please you. God also speaks to this, but we wander too far from our subject; let’s return to it now.

         So, what is our relationship supposed to be like with God, and is our destiny spelled out before we are even born? The second question is the more difficult, but if we can clearly define the first I think the second will become crystal clear. Yes, readers I do hear you groaning and thinking okay all right already OUT WITH IT. Our relationship with God is exactly like that of a husband and wife. No, you men, I am not suggesting you get in contact with your feminine side. What I am saying, Biblically speaking, just as the man is the head of the woman, Jesus (or God) is the head of man.

         How do I figure this to be true? Lets look at a few more verses and see what the Bible has to say.

Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church…

In this verse we find that Christ is compared to the husband of a wife, with respect to the relationship that should exist between man and God. We are also reminded of this in the following: 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Ephesians 1:22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church...

         Now women should not be offended by this verse because the relationship is one into which they and all of us must willing enter. The church is not a building; Christ’s church is people: you, me, and any who believe and do His commandments. This is a choice made willing when we do as commanded in the great commandment; when we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. As women allow men to become the head of their lives so men and women allow Jesus to become the head of their lives. Christ even refers to himself as the bridegroom

Luke 5:34 Jesus answered, "Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?

         Now I am sure you could find this flimsy and without substance, so, I suggest you study to show me wrong. I will readily issue you a written apology if you can. I also mentioned predestination; many read and find verses to support the presumption that we as humans have no control over whether we are of the elect or not, in other words, whether or not we have a chance of obtaining a home in heaven. I have a suggestion for you: Ask any husband if he can FORCE his wife to do anything. If the analogy is of Christ as a bridegroom and the Church as His bride, then we must follow it through.

         We each as Christians make a willing choice to either serve the Lord or not, just as we as women make a choice to willingly submit to our husbands. I know for men it may seem a bit odd to turn your life over to another, but as you grow in the faith you should find it easier.

         I hope you have found something of interest in the text I have provided, we could explore it much deeper, but in the time I have had to prepare this it is not possible. I have tried to show you one aspect of the relationship, there is another.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her… Christ died for us each and everyone. It is how we repay this debt that determines our final destination, it cannot be decided by others for us, we must decide.

         As always I am at your service. There is an article I would strongly suggest you read "Invalid Item by . It offers another point of view.

Becky Simpson

"Always you are with me.

Always You are with me
Believing has changed everything
Can’t you see the light in my eyes?
Declaring Your presence in my life
Everyday let me strive to serve you
Forever I will praise You
Glory and Honor are Yours
Hearing the Gospel brings hope
In Your kingdom sadness is gone
Jesus, You have given it all
Keep me close I pray
Let my life be a light
May it shine for You
Never could I put any god before You
Open my heart to Your will
Please lead me the way You would have me go
Questions are gone
Realizing that the greatest gifts are from You
Salvation being the biggest
Thank you for giving Yourself
Understanding Your sacrifice makes me tremble
Very ashamed, on my knees before You
Works are not the way to be with You
Xanadu doesn’t compare to the beauty of Your kingdom
You alone have made it possible
Zion, I long to be there with You

Editor's Picks

         The following members of Writing.Com are some of my favorite writers on Writing.Com. They exhibit and understanding and skill that, simply put, amaze me. I hope those I have forgotten will forgive me, but as time goes on and my memory prods, me this list will change.

Dreams - Anon, who are you?


         My suggested readings for this month:

 Inconsistency  (E)
Poem written when I felt far from God and unsure of His direction for my life.
#978693 by Demitria Ibanez

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1069486 by Not Available.

 On The Near Side Of Far  (E)
A brief look into our push and pull relationship with God.
#1083499 by musicman

 A New Kind of Love  (E)
This is about my relationship with God and how I view it.
#993006 by Brains789

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#911492 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Questions and comments from last month my thanks to those who wrote in, if you wish to comment this month feel free, I shall answer them individually.

Submitted By: tramseyer
Submitted Comment:
Fabulous newsletter Becky! :). You really touched a spot in my heart tonight. I too have to teach kids tomorrow, and because of some things going on, the light has gone out or is really dim for me. "Boring" might begin to describe the situation for our kids. I haven't been able to figure how to email you personally, but I definitely appreciate your example and enthusiasm! Would also appreciate any suggestions, if you or anyone else has the time to discuss with me somewhere. Thanks :). Theresa

Hi, Theresa, I would be happy to help if I can, though I think perhaps you have already helped yourself. If you wish to email me it is Becky_Hayes@writing.com. I think you can click on that link, and it will allow you to email me. I am not sure just how much help I can be, at times it seems I am very little, but there are some suggestions that could help bring some interest and fun back into your teaching. I wish I could give you a hug. You may not realize it, but you are a blessing to those you teach. – Hugs Becky

Submitted By:werden
Submitted Comment:
Thank you for your comments and story about teaching. I too taught 5th grade Sunday school with 2 other teachers. The two other teachers were dull and boring. I tried to make the class fun and engaging, not always going by the lesson plans. The truth is if you actively care about kids you will make a difference.

Hi, I must agree wholeheartedly, if you care you will make a difference. I too had other teachers who sat through my class and yet could not see the value of what I was attempting to do. When their turn to teach came due, it was a return to the same old thing. Though I do not count myself as some inspired teacher, I could see it in the behavior of the class that the other teachers were not going to have an easy night of it. – Hugs Becky

Submitted By: Brother Don
Submitted Comment:
Another excellent issue! Becky, your experiences in teaching should be required reading for any teacher. A boring presentation of dry facts is almost always a guarantee that your class will not learn anything. On the other hand, connecting the factual material with objects or experiences of our own daily lives is almost always a guarantee that we will remember the lesson and usually modify our lives in light of what we learned. Thanks again, Becky.Don Brown

Hi, Brother Don, I fear you offer praise too easily. Yet it is kind, and I do appreciate the wonderful feeling it gives me to share my experiences. I hope the next newsletter will find as much use. You have always been kind to me and my family (Viv and Robert), for this I am truly indebted. I hope one day we may all have an opportunity to worship together. – Hugs Becky

Submitted By: *Poetic ~ Darlin* (darlin_writer) (ID #0)
Submitted Comment:
I am new to this newsletter, so please let me start by saying how impressed, and touched, I am with the beautiful message you send out. It is obvious that your relationship with God is so strong that everyone can feel it through your words. I admire your teaching ability to reach the children the way you do. I was not always raised in a religious household, but was sent to church every Sunday morning and night, plus Wednesday nights. I guess in their way that was the best thing my parents could have done until they found Christ ten years later. I learned about The Lord from teachers just like you, that have the ability to reach inside a child’s heart and help open the door of ignorance, so that God can come in and teach us about his everlasting love. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done and do. Keep spreading Gods love and filling these newsletters. You have a more profound effect on people than you know. From my heart, I thank you.

Hi darling_writer. It would appear that your parents cared whether or not you knew of Christ. I was eighteen before I came to Christ or church. I would hazard a guess to say you are strong in your love of God and would now be a blessing to any who know you. It is not by words and stories alone that we teach others, but also by the example of our own lives. Let your light shine as it does in your words here, and you shall be a greater teacher than I. – Hugs Becky

Submitted By: AWAND FREBO
Submitted Comment:
Becky, You did a wonderful job on the newsletter. I enjoyed reading about your teaching experience. The Pastor's wife and I taught a group of kindergarten age children, several years ago. We were studying Jeremiah. Liz asked if everyone had studied. Of course they all said they had. She said, "alright, tell me who Jeremiah is." The room fell quite except for an adorable little boy waving his hand in the back of the room. Liz said, "Alright Mikey, tell us who Jeremiah was." Without missing a beat, he sprang to his feet and said, Jeremiah is a bull-frog." I thought Liz would fall out she was laughing so hard. How precious are those little ones.Thank you for the memories of teaching.Awand Frebo

Hi Awand, There is a woman who I used to go to church with. She had traveled extensively in the middle-east and had so many experiences that I could say honestly I was jealous of her. She shared many of these with us, bringing clothing, authentic foods, and teaching many of the customs. To me she was fascinating, and I could listen to her for hours if she would only have spoken that long. It is this depth and wealth of knowledge that I one day hope I have the opportunity to attain and share. I know you and Liz will find that as you teach many, many, such comical and memorable occasions will warm your old age. – Hugs Becky

Submitted By: PennyInPocket
Submitted Comment:
I appreciate your letter from the editor. I have spent many years teaching children as well as adults Bible Stories. Like you, I don't like dry, boring lessons. I seek to find some creative way to spice up the story without changing the facts. I have posted a story of Peter walking on the water in my portfolio that I think fits with your letter. Thank you for your presence on this site

Hi, Penny, I appreciate your kind comments, and I will certainly have a look in your portfolio. I hope you will continue to read the newsletters and will find ways to continue to share your offerings. I hope you will always enjoy telling your stories. –Hugs Becky

Submitted By:Kenzie
Submitted Comment:
Another great newsletter, the topic of teaching children is one that is dear to my heart at well. I was once blessed with teaching a group of 5 year olds for Vacation Bible school. These were kids who normally attended church, but had never been given an opportunity to pray. We closed each class with prayer time, and they each could offer a prayer to God themselves. Their parents waited patiently outside as our prayer time sometimes went on for 30 minutes or more.One child in that class taught me a lesson. (They all probably did, but I remember his.) He said that having Jesus in your life was like the mayonaise in a tuna sandwich. If Jesus wasn't mixed through and through, life was pretty yucky, just like the sandwich if the mayonaise wasn't mixed into the sandwich. He remembered that from a children's sermon. Still, I've always remembered those words.

Hi Kenzie, Isn’t it amazing some of the things that kids can come up with. I too taught during Vacation Bible School and the most memorable moment was when we replicated an earthquake for when Paul was in prison. Being an engineer, I was challenged to figure out how to make the floor shake. What we did was to place some palettes on some 4” conduit. We then tied the palettes together and tied ropes so that we could pull the palettes back and forth. Then we made small rocks out of Styrofoam and threw them on the kids during the earthquake. Of course you have to have men to pull the ropes =). The best response was an entire class begging to stay and go through the lesson again. You too have wonderful experiences to share; thanks for doing so. – Hugs Becky

Submitted By:animatqua
Submitted Comment:
Excuse me. I don't wish to shout and be obnoxious. I do wish to be heard when I point out that too many issues of the Spiritual Newsletter contain comments that are very offensive in regard to my belief system.I am also asking that the editors of the Spiritual Newsletter be sensitive to such belief systems and to discontinue these kinds of comments. Yes, this may be the way that you feel as a Christian. It was precisely these kinds of feelings that burned over a million witches to death in Europe---to cleanse the world from their evil `magics'. Should comments in the Spiritual Newsletter concerning the belief in Christianity be as objectionable as the ones concerning the way of magick, Christians would cry "Persecution!". Yes, it is, and I am angry about it.

Hi. Okay. You have been heard, and I have a suggestion: Why don’t you be a guest speaker for me? If you really want your particular beliefs heard, be my guest. I would like an opportunity to preview it, but I will not change a thing. Also, if I allow you to do this, you must take a positive point of view, not try to make any other religious belief look bad. I do not, and I could not allow it. I would also like an opportunity to comment at the end, and you would be allowed to review that. I think it important that we hear all views, and that we all (including you) keep an open mind. I am sure you already do this. – Hugs Becky

To the rest of you kind readers who made comments about last month’s newsletter; thank you. If it were not for your kind words, I would be inclined to find another way to spend the time I spend here.

If you have a question, comment or just an observation concerning this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter, please feel free to send it to me. I would also like our newsletter readers to send me their favorite work. Please include the writer’s name. I prefer works from Writing.Com.

Next weeks editor:Puditat

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