Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/1420-.html
Contests & Activities: December 06, 2006 Issue [#1420]

Newsletter Header
Contests & Activities

 This week:
  Edited by: Sarah Rae
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The contests and activities on this site are constantly changing! Almost every day there is something new and exciting to view and participate in. The ideas are endless. Some succeed, some manage to get along, while others, unfortunately, are left behind and forgotten. My goal as your Contest & Activity newsletter editor is to provide each of you with the tools it takes to create a great success.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

*Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snow2* *Snow1* It's snowing at Writing.Com! *Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snow2* *Snow1*

It's time to bundle up in our Writing.Com hoodies, sip hot cocoa or coffee from our Writing.Com mugs (I'd say pull on our Writing.Com mittens and toe socks, but the StoryMaster has forgotten to put those out for us this winter) and warm yourself by the fire. Out of matches? Don't have a fireplace? Forgot to chop wood? Don't worry. *Wink* Writing.Com has a wide variety of campfires available for you to enjoy. (Even if you live in the part of the world where it's currently summer, you can still enjoy our campfires!)

Since coming to Writing.Com six years ago, campfires have been near and dear to my heart. What fun it is to have a story idea and be able to draft your Writing.Com friends into helping you write it! Campfires can be fun, romantic, long or short, fiction or nonfiction, stories or poetry, serious or funny. With such a wide variety of campfires out there to enjoy, you're sure to find one. And if you can't find one, why don't you try making one?

How to Set Up Your Campfire Creative:

No upgrade is required to start a campfire creative, which makes it fun for everyone! To create a campfire creative, go to the Writing link at the top of every Writing.Com page and choose "Campfire Creative" from the Interactive section. Fill out the Writing form with all the information. A few things to remember:

- Remember to change the item type in Section 1
- If you want to require longer or shorter additions, put restrictions in the appropriate spot in Section 5.
- If you want to be emailed each time a member posts an addition or skips their turn, choose "CC leader" from Section 5 (default is "Do not CC leader")
- The item body is NOT where you make your first addition. This is the place to describe the story in your head and what you expect from each participant. Including character descriptions and settings is very helpful here.

Once you have created the item, go to "Manage", which is located with all the other edit links of the item. Write in the Writing.Com email address of any members you wish to invite (remember to include @writing.com). Invitations to join the campfire will be sent out and you will recieve an email detailing who was emailed. At this point, you get to wait. Once the first members accept the invite, you will be able to begin posting. Please remember that until you have posted an addition to the campfire, your item will NOT appear in the Writing.Com searches. You can plug your campfire to generate interest. Members who view your campfire can request an invitation to join, but you are not obligated to send them an invitation.

Enjoy, but remember not to let your feet get too close to the fire. *Wink*

Editor's Picks

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Most items chosen for this newsletter are taken from item submissions (below), "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com, and "Activities @ Writing.Com

Check Out These Campfires!:

 ~~A Famous Quote Campfire~~  [E]
Take turns in writing down a famous quote you like or know! Come Read! (((OPEN!!))
by ~~Mc Young~~

A Poem A Week Campfire I  [18+]
Extinguished After 4 Great Years and 121 entries of Writing Poetry!
by ♥Hooves♥

Miscreants Ball!  [GC]
The allure of three ancient wishes has modern day criminals in a deadly race for riches!
by Insidious Raven

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Some Campfire Ettiquette:
 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

A great way to showcase campfires that you don't host but do participate in:
 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 My Campfire Adventures  [ASR]
I listed some of the terrific campfires that I belonged to. You have to see these!
by Maryann

A few Random Contests/Activities:

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

The Best of the Rest at the Bee Hive   [E]
JUN 2024 Contest is open! Submit your Crosswords!
by StephBee

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Kit's Seasonal Event 2007 - Closed  [E]
Nominate someone who has done a good deed!
by Kit

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
Writing.Com Item ID To Highlight (Optional):

Send a comment or question to the editor!
Limited to 2,500 characters.
Word from our sponsor

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, click here for your newsletter subscription list. Simply uncheck the box next to any newsletter(s) you wish to cancel and then click to "Submit Changes". You can edit your subscriptions at any time.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/1420-.html