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Horror/Scary: April 25, 2007 Issue [#1679]

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 This week:
  Edited by: darkin
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Reading a horror story, one that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the last page, is what every horror fan dreams of. Being scared, to the point that sleep is almost impossible, makes the read all the more worthwhile. Does that make us crazy? You bet!!!

My name is Darkin, and I’m your host this week for the Horror Newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Zombies: Fact or Fiction

Warning: If you are easily disgusted by zombies do not read this newsletter. But if you want to know more about these wonderful monsters, keep on reading. I promise not to get too graphic in my discussion. *Wink*

Of all the monsters are in literary and movie history none frighten me more than the zombie. Think about it, you have the perfect killing machine. All it does is follow its food - you - and try to eat it. That's pretty scary in my book!

If you plan on writing about zombies, it would be a wise decision to do a little research on the subject. I've listed two books at the end of this article. I have both of them and have found them to be wonderful resources on the subject. The following is my take on zombies, based on what I've read in books and seen in movies. This is not reality, but fiction.

Unless of course, one dark and stormy night, you think you hear the distinct moaning of a hungry zombie through your closed door! *Smirk*

You may be asking yourself just what is a zombie? The dictionary defines them as a reanimated corpse that hungers for...well...us. They aren't indestructible beings, but they are usually in large enough numbers that fighting back is difficult. Zombies come in many shapes, sizes and degrees of decomposition, but they all have one thing in common.

They are hungry!

Not much is known about how zombies are created. The most common belief is it is caused by a virus. Since viruses require circulation to move through the body, it is believed that only people who were infected prior to death will actually become a zombie. This theory makes sense, but there is no scientific proof to back it up.*Smile*

There is no cure for the infection, so when a person is bitten by a zombie it's pretty much over. There are several stages people go through if infected, but remember, every person is different. So the amount of time it would take to "turn" varies.

Usually, the person will first feel like they have a cold or the flu. Fever, chills, nausea, and pain in the joints are symptoms of infection. As time progresses, numbness of the arms and legs, dementia, and poor muscle coordination can occur. Eventually, paralysis, coma and death will happen. Depending on the person, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for the final stage to take place – total reanimation of dead flesh. At this point, the person is no longer human and should be dispatched quickly!

Once changed their higher brain activities shut down. No longer will they recognize loved ones. All they think about now is feeding their insatiable hunger. They think of nothing but finding food. And yes, as I said earlier, that's you. In the beginning, they have all the abilities they had before they died. They can run and jump, and are as strong as before they turned. Zombies do not have super human strengths or talents.

After it has been around for a while, a zombie should start to slow down. Rigor mortis, along with decomposition, should go to work on their bodies making their muscle structure break down. There is a belief among the zombie scientists that the virus will slow this process. But it is uncertain how much extra time of "normal" body use a zombie will have. In most cases, older zombies tend to walk slower and have a harder time keeping up with a running human.

To write effective zombie stories you will want to learn what you can about the monsters. You want your work to be believable and realistic, a story your readers can't put down. By doing a little research, you'll find a wealth of information to help you create a memorable zombie world, one your readers will fear for months to come.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Happy Writing!


Two amazing books on zombies are:

ASIN: 071563318X
Amazon's Price: $ 6.05

ASIN: 0307346609
Amazon's Price: $ 19.59

But my advice is not to read them late at night when you are all along*Laugh*

Editor's Picks

Here are some items I found while traveling the highways and byways of Writing.Com!

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#1241403 by Not Available.

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#1235323 by Not Available.

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#1070168 by Not Available.

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#1107704 by Not Available.

Grave Dirt  (18+)
What would you do if you woke up dead?
#839410 by Juniper

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#1210366 by Not Available.

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#805735 by Not Available.

Ghouls  (18+)
Don't let death stop you living.
#1051641 by Bilal Latif

 Waltzing towards Bethlehem  (18+)
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Waltzes towards Bethlehem to be born?
#1135858 by Robert Waltz

 Apocalypse  (18+)
A teenager wakes up after an accident to find the world in ruins...
#1078608 by Brittany!

 Up From the Depths  (13+)
Zombie horror genre loosely based on George Romero's films.
#1178571 by bubbahotep

 Up From the Depths Part 2  (13+)
Part 2 of the undead horror
#1195979 by bubbahotep

 Dead Not Buried  (18+)
Marriage, without reprieve.
#984132 by two of four

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#1068188 by Not Available.

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#1048406 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Thank you for allowing me to enter your world. If you have any comments, or questions, feel free to drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you!



Submitted By: Diabhail
Submitted Comment:

I really connected with what Starr*R said about using emotions for a specific scene that you have experienced yourself. Drawing on past experiences makes a story more credible because of that personal touch.
Great newsletter by the way, interesting format (i.e. the interview).


Submitted By: Starr* Rathburn
Submitted Comment:

Thank you, my friend, for interviewing me, and for adding it to your newsletter. I've received lots of reviews (helpful and flattering, and sometimes even both, haha) since the newsletter came out.

I was also glad to get all the links to the stuff that you found while searching thru W.com. Thanks again for that.

I'd say, "Keep up the good work," but I know you always do. :)




Thank you, Starr, for being a willing subject for my newsletter, and for your wonderfully open and honest answers!!!!


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