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Spiritual: September 19, 2007 Issue [#1952]

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 This week:
  Edited by: windac
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a young man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success.
~Hamilton Wright Mabie~

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die,
life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
~Lanston Hughes~

         Since first joining the editorial staff of the Spiritual Newsletter, I've had the distinct honor and privilege of sharing pieces of myself with this readership. Over the past three years I've grown in many ways:

*Bullet*As a Christian

My goal when taking on this challenge was to share my faith and ideals with a vastly diverse audience in terms of belief. Perhaps this was a bit arrogant on my part; perhaps it was ego that nudged me forward in this most lofty of endeavors. Either way, it didn't take long to realize that every word written in every issue was first and foremost a dialog designed with my own flaws and shortcomings in mind, and always in an area of life where I needed guidance and focus at that time. For whatever reason, I feel it is important that you know how personal each issue was for me.

The encouragement, support and honest commentary received by readers who shared a piece of themselves with me were a great lesson in humility and courage. This, more than anything else, is what kept me going issue after issue, and your generosity of spirit helped renew my faith in humanity. For this, my sincere thanks.

My heart and mind have been opened in ways not possible any other way, and a more loving and understanding sensibility toward those of differing beliefs has blossomed. I have come to see what faith in God can and should be, and just how far I still have to travel in my own journey.

*Bullet*As a Writer

The anxiety I felt when applying for this editorial spot remains very clear. After being notified of my acceptance, anxiety turned to absolute terror. What in the world would I write about? Was I good enough to produce an issue worth reading every four weeks? Would I be accepted, or laughed at and ridiculed, run out of town on a rail?

Fear of the unknown is our worst enemy, and sometimes more so when it comes to sharing our creative talent. Putting your heart and soul into any project, and then putting that labor of love out there for the world to see - and judge - is intimidating. We fear the change that comes with rejection, failure, and yes, even of success. But all the cliches are true in this case: No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory.

Criticism and rejection are part of the game, and necessary for creative growth, as well as acquiring a thick skin. An artist in any medium or genre will never please everyone - it's just not possible. But dreams and desires are pointless unless you put yourself out there and then work at honing your craft; otherwise the gift you've been given will remain nothing more than elusive shadows in the wind.

Being allowed to put forth my thoughts and ideas in the Spiritual Newsletter for the last three years might not be considered a huge leap in the direction of my dreams, but it's been one heck of a start!

*Bullet*As a Person

There's not been an area of my life, whether it be emotional, spiritual, or educational, that hasn't reaped huge benefits from this experience. A more resolved sense of purpose, a broader knowledge of who I am, a confidence in what I'm capable of achieving, and a renewed desire to spread my wings, are just a sample of the positive effects of what I deem a successful and quite rewarding adventure.

         If all this sounds like the makings of a farewell speech, rest assured your eyes do not deceive. It's time for me to continue the journey while pursuing other goals, and to give another writer the chance to give voice to their dreams and desires. I'm not leaving writing.com, just diverting my energies in another, but as yet unknown, direction.

         Thank you all for the opportunity to grow, the wonderful support given during this growth, and the satisfaction of knowing success. May each of you seek Guidance in all you do, give thanks for what you've been given, pursue your dreams with fervent hope and tenacity, and experience all of God's best. Remember to laugh, be silly, to stop and enjoy every inch of beauty you can find, and to spread a bit of love every chance you get. And lastly, never stop believing in the capacity of greatness already within you! *Heart*

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Editor's Picks

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Submitted Item:
#1280916 by SHEA

Submitted Item:
 What's Worth Writing?  (E)
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#1124486 by Joshua

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Submitted via e-mail by Katya the Poet

Great newsletter, and I wish you well with all the stress. I'm thinking you and your hubby can move into the camper (and drive away for a second honeymoon down the road) and let the others have the house for a while! I'm sure your experience counts for a lot, re: job, whatever the college credit situation.

Employers these days want maturity, responsibility, real skills. College degree is so often NOT a guarantee of that, alas!

Thanks again Katya, for taking the time to send positive comments my way!


Submitted By: SHEA

Thanks for such a GREAT job on the Spiritual Newsletter! Valuable words!

Years ago my father wrote:

Speaking of politicians:

He died and everyone swore to a man.
They voted for him every time he ran.
A harmless thought and said as though by rote:
Now, dead, it seemed he did deserve their vote.
Seemed now that they’d wished him into hell,
“Cause he was good and honest. They could tell.
No doubt about it now, sir, No, by God!
No better man was put beneath the sod.
Oh, well, God rest his soul; he’s better off.
Let’s all go on back home and have a scoff.
Scoff they went to eat and drink their fill
While his nibs made his rapid ride downhill.
Condemned by Justice to eternal fire,
For being so notorious a liar.
And don’t you know that as the gravel fell,
This straight faced whore’s whelp sauntered into hell.
Scanned his District, called for attention to declare:
“Well, now, first I’m gonna get you out of here.”

Thank you Shea, for your comments, sharing a piece written by your father, and for submitting one of your own items. *Heart*


Submitted By: raynstorm

Absolute truth is so hard sometimes, but worth it nonetheless, especially when one considers the bond of trust that's broken when one doesn't tell the truth. Every time I'm faced with the dilemma of telling a little white lie or not, I try to think of how I would feel if I discovered someone had lied to me and the feeling of broken trust usually leads me to tell the truth. Not always, but I'm still a work in process as well .

Thanks for such a great newsletter!

Thank you Raynstorm, for sharing your own thoughts with us! *Heart*


Submitted By: Kenzie

Thanks for the integrity lesson. I was discussing this topic with a young writer here just recently. He was one who believes there are no absolutes. He's so disillusioned that he thinks there are no honest people left in the world. That's sad. But it's understandable, I guess, when there are even books about how to cheat on your taxes and when the studies show that a huge number of folks cheat on their spouses, etc. Life surely is easier when you tell the truth. You don't have to remember what you said.

Thanks Kenzie, for stating what should be obvious to us all. What's so sad is that there are so many without hope in the world today, and maybe for what some deem good reasons. But with God there is hope, and all things are possible! *Heart*

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