Horror/Scary: November 19, 2008 Issue [#2719]
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 This week:
  Edited by: W.D.Wilcox
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Letter from the editor


I’m in a mood.

I always find that moods are a good stimuli for writing. But what was it that Gurney Halleck said in ‘Dune’? Oh yeah, ”Moods are a thing for cattle and women…”

Still, I do find them to be very useful.

Right now my mood is one of ‘happiness’. I know, in these current times of 'media doom-and-gloom', that I should be extremely depressed, but I refuse to fall prey to their intent. My job is good, the company is prospering and so am I. I'm sure there are those of you out there who are having a hard time, but I am not one of them. I feel blessed and content. So how do you write ‘gripping horror’ when you actually feel ‘good’ about your life? How do you scare someone when your 'dark rage' has passed and you are in a mood of tranquility?

I suppose, this would be a good time to write about everything going right for my character: a time to describe a wonderful family, job, and awesome love life; a time to develop all the attributes of a ‘heaven-on-earth’ before I throw everything out of kilter and drop the proverbial ‘other shoe’.

I know that eventually my mood will swing to the 'dark side', to that hard, sharp pain that pounds through my head, and my joints will feel swollen and stiff and full of broken glass; my eyes will water and feel grainy, and hot; my teeth will ache and my mouth will taste of black coffee, cigarettes and ashes. Yes, that is the time to write ‘good horror’, when you feel like crap and vow to take everybody down with you.

But for now, I will use my good mood to flesh out my characters and their lives, make everything ‘normal’ and ‘uneventful’ for a period of time, because that’s how real life is. It has its ‘ups’ and ‘downs’, its 'moods', and never stays quite the same.

Until next time,


Editor's Picks

Are You In The Mood...?

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1357236 by Not Available.

Excerpt: The thought of opening the cabinet elicited such fear in dear Santa’s heart that for a moment, he thought it would burst. But the thought of keeping the cursed thing was even more terrifying. He had no choice. He would have to open it.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#870396 by Not Available.

Excerpt: "I have a confession to make too...I killed ma’,” he whispered, “I killed her good...last night...stabbed her several times.”

"Born before the Midnight Bell Tolls"  (18+)
A Brief Comedy of Horror
#1330562 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

Excerpt: Here I awaken, seven years later, only to look in the mirror and see the face that has haunted me for years! Oh, woe is me that being born before the bell tolls midnight on that dastardly day of spirit uprising, has not saved me from the stray ghost seeking revenge.

Rewritten. It was to be the ending of a vacation hike. It became something much more.
#1148338 by Nanapockets

Excerpt: I was going to say that I didn't know what kind of animal could make that type of smell. It was much worse than any skunk I had ever run into while camping. Before I could speak there was a rustling in the bushes on the other side of the stream.

Mightier Than The Pen  (18+)
A horror writer discovers a unique way to inspire his stories.
#1229512 by W.D.Wilcox

Excerpt: Heart knocking hard, skin freezing with fear, the room started to spin out of control. He lolled back in his chair, holding on to the arms as a thin froth of drool formed at the corners of his mouth; his feet twitched aimlessly. Then a long, dying sound escaped his throat, and his eyes rolled up in his head, revealing bulging, glistening whites.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer


Submitted Comment:
Chill man, life is all it is. It has its up and downs, but there are more downs than ups. You have got to put your brain at rest. Write about the funny things that happen to you, open up your mind.

Okay, wildbill, I will do as you suggest. *opens his skull and scratches around at it with a potato peeler* Oh yeah, that feels much better! *Rolleyes**Laugh*

Submitted Comment:
Wow, really scary! *Shock*

Well, that was the intent, spidey.*Smile*

Submitted Comment:
Hey, great newsletter! I liked the example: Dean Koontz, right? I can't remember the title though, I've so many of his books. Oh well. Again, great newsletter.

Yeah, Ceridwen, it was a piece from a novel called 'Shadowfires' that Koontz wrote with the pseudonym of Leigh Nichols, and then re-released it under his real name. Although it is not his best work, it shows his aptitude for writing good 'suspense-horror'.

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