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Horror/Scary: April 01, 2009 Issue [#2969]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Just an Ordinary Boo!
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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I have not ceased being fearful, but I have ceased to let fear control me. ~ Erica Jong

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

What’s the difference between horror and scary? The genres are lumped together, anyway. Well, in my mind, and the dictionary supports me here - there is a difference.

         Scary - Causing fright or alarm.
         Horror: intense and profound fear

The thought of the next elections in India is scary. The current economic slowdown is scary. The sheer attitude of youngsters these days is scary.

I found my old Social Studies teacher scary – for an eight-year old, someone who was the size of a sumo wrestler was intimidating enough. She also had a booming voice of such intensity that it made the pencil on my desk vibrate and roll off whenever she called out my name. She had hands the size of the Europe, as it was depicted in my atlas, and it scared me that she could make an entire continent disappear with a casual hand hovering over my book.

But that’s only the very tip of the iceberg of Horror, a feeling that has to inspire ‘an intense and profound fear, or aversion’. When I first came across the genre I wondered why one would want to evoke a feeling that was designed to drive away the reader?

I was equipped moreover with a hyperactive imagination that translated the rustling of a discarded candy wrapper into the rubbing of wings upon the carapace of some chitinous monster; shadows on the wall into dark denizens of the night lurking in wait to sink their teeth into my plump white neck. So I generally kept my eyes screwed shut, and fingers in both my ears, right through any horror movie to which I was dragged. Wild horses couldn't have done it, but three cousins and a brother with a taste for the spine-chilling often prevailed. However, I was pretty sure that posture would not be appropriate for reads of the same genre and I never intended to venture into any of those until ...

Last year, in Halloween, there were various activities run with the obvious theme of – yep, you guessed it – Horror/Scary. Reviewing seemed harmless enough; I tried that - finding many items with sub-genres of Sci-fi and Romance and even Comedy. It grew upon me, much as the taste for Chinese food does, and I soon found myself dipping into the items on offer with relish. *Relish on the side please, next to the onions*

I learned about Vampires and their habits, how ghouls differ from zombies and where the werewolf roams. I found tales of dark fairies and errant humans, some where just the setting created the needed effect. There’s a lot more to the genre than just the Frankenstein monster. I found myself appreciating the finer points.

But – write? I could never do that! Or so I thought – until Acme had an activity called Comedy Scream with Poetry, Short Story and Movie Reviews planned. There was even a week-long activity with daily prompts. I decided to just see what it was all about, there were no penalties for non-completion … so I shrugged my shoulders and entered.

I had a rollicking time, wrote three stories, endless poems, one essay and browsed through all the items entered. Not all my poems or stories were quasi-comedy; some actually surprised me by having enough horror to be classified as that genre. They were appreciated; two were even the weekly picks.

I still prefer not to use horror as tool;but ask for spoof or satire of scary and I will oblige without a murmur. I have learnt this though – I do not feel that anything is ‘not for me’. *squirms as Conscience pokes her between the shoulder blades* OK, OK, I still avoid XGC *Blush*, but that’s my only remaining reservation! *Laugh* Maybe … one day …

In the meanwhile, go and gather a gaggle of goose-pimples, folks! Happy shivering!

Editor's Picks

These are items that go beyond the merely scary, some rise into the realms of horror, others take the by-lanes of romance, comedy or even inspirational writes. One effort is my own, added merely as an encouragement to others who do not delve or dabble in the night-time specials. Niche writing is all very well, but attempting something different is fun too! So, read - and get inspired to write your own!

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#1485856 by Not Available.

A compelling title, unusual protagonists, and the tale holds you in thrall until its chilling end.

 Behold! The Lurking Snark!  (E)
Taking one prompt seamlessly into another, a child's fears.
#1480778 by Just an Ordinary Boo!

A change of atmosphere - it's about monsters all too familiar to us.

Mr. Moon, Shine on Me  (18+)
The full moon brings out the worst in families. Very short (800 word) horror story.
#1330623 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

This tale combines two unlikely genres and ends up making us see it from an unusual POV

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#1487047 by Not Available.

For those who like their stories steeped in atmosphere, it is unusual for introducing a whole new culture to us.

Dream House  (13+)
You'd better hope it's never yours...
#894158 by Cub-bee

The intro says it all - the dream house is a nightmare.

 Coin Toss  (18+)
Conflicting experiences with the town's new doctor.
#1415257 by Jeff

The new doctor in town is both young and handsome, he has well-perfected bedside manners too.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Although feedback is welcome, I feel obliged to point out that this is my first time. Please be gentle! *Laugh*

I know most of those who subscribe to this NL would have a liking for this genre, but I'd just like to know - was it love at first sight or did it gradually grow upon you?

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