Horror/Scary: November 25, 2009 Issue [#3406]
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 This week:
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Words have no power to impress the mind
without the exquisite horror of their reality.

Edgar Allan Poe

         Welcome to this week's WDC Horror/Scary Newsletter, where we journey into the 'dark' side of writing ~ prosaic and poetic ~ to create a reality that portends the horror to come. What makes us seek horror; what makes us desire to be frightened, mortified; what makes us want to embrace the darkness within ~ and without? Is it a modern-day phenomenon, or older than graveyard dirt? Come join the exploration.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Greetings, I'd like to share a bit of a story,

         Once upon a time, about a year ago, a woman caught a ride to a house where someone waited. She waved goodbye to the driver as the front door opened and her host beckoned her enter the chamber. A year later, she emerged from the chamber a different person - no longer breathing; mere skin and bones. The host was discovered and jailed for his efforts as his guests, eleven in number, one but a skull, are still being untangled. But what of the driver who once dropped her off. Is he the host's servant, or his partner in crime? Or was he just someone who gave her a ride.

         The horror of the bodies, as bones and sinew buried beneath attic floorboards and basement cement, and even in the garden behind a nondescript house. The serial killer found, but what of the other? Was there an other, and will he return? What of the skull that still lacks a body? Does the other know where, or how they parted company?

         I'm relating the story of a serial killer, who over a year's time disposed of eleven women within the boundaries of his home. The man who dropped one of the women off is likely a red herring, but we don't know yet. The horror of the discovery breeds fear and anger and mistrust. The terror the victims must have felt, trapped somehow, then disposed of like hidden treasure or bounty.

         The appeal of horror, as literature and in film, by some is considered a safe release of the innate violence within. By reading and writing and viewing tales of horror, we don't act out the compulsion as the psychopathic killer above did. But what made him do it? Want or need to do it? Haven't you evern felt like taking control and slamming the toll taker to the ground, or wanting to brake check the idiot who cut you off?

         Horror also appeals to the morbid in us - the fascination with the grave and the dark mystery of death. as well as a way to satisfy our curiosity about the process of death.

         Readers of horror expect to be entertained by suspenseful dark fantasy. Realistic characters and settings are important props but they're second to the instigation of terror in the characters and their reaction to what causes the terror.

         The writer also needs to keep just one step ahead of the reader (and victim), doling out just enough information to keep the story intriguing and coherent yet the reader still guessing and in suspense.

         Avoid two pitfalls - gore for its own sake, including detailed lengthy descriptions of putrefying viscera; and an obvious ending. The characters' horror has to be believable, so the reader can envision themselves somehow in the story and feel the fear and impending doom or peril. Robert Bloch, the author of Psycho created Norman Bates as a new kind of 'monster,' one that readers had not yet encountered. He got into Norman's head and wove a story incorporating madness and horror, with an ending his readers did not anticipate.

Keep Writing!
Embrace the dark side that resides within us all, and weave a tale of horror for your reader.

Kate - Writing & Reading

Editor's Picks

I'd like to share some tales or horror submitted by writers for your reading 'pleasure' ~ and review*Smile*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1460453 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1597273 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1590800 by Not Available.

 Caller  (18+)
John was just a phone anwserer for late night hotline calls, but he got so much more...
#1590861 by Josh M. Cregger

 Blood Song  (18+)
Can a mother resist the call of revenge?
#1593678 by Dan Boyce

Bite Size Poetry contest entry.
#1589706 by K.A. Hunt

 Is this what you call - paradise?  (18+)
You may have known me as "Lick". Another attempt at mashing prose and poetry together.
#1586701 by First Light

A challenge to evoke the dark side of the coming holidays

Sinister Stories Contest  (13+)
A horror contest for everyone! Can you write a terrifying tale? February Special Round!
#1556724 by Jeff

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

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Ask & Answer

         Lock the doors and set a warm fire as you gather with family and friends for the feast, lest some not depart or depart not in one piece.

Happy Thanksgiving

Keep Writing and be safe!


Kate - Writing & Reading

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