Horror/Scary: December 30, 2009 Issue [#3470]
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 This week:
  Edited by: StaiNed-
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Take a look into the brightside of the darkside. ( Ruby Gloom)

I StaiNed- am back and thrilled in all my tarnished, dying affections of cold winter's heart, *Smirk* to be a guest editor again! WOOT! for the horror/scary newsletter, this week, while we are all still bloated from christmas turkey and my favorite peanut butter balls, with rice crispies added. Yum! I hope everyone had a fab time, and are looking into the new year with wide open eyes, lidless. *Smirk* Ok no, slap my muse.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

.... Phobia.. (shivers} say it out loud nice and slow, *Laugh* the word alone is creepy and fear alone is true horror to many, many people and films and books well alot! *Shock* and well, fear, and what is scarey or horror, but Phobias. For this newsletter I am going dip us into the lurk warm water of ... drum roll..... *Wink*...... Achluophobia. or Scotophobia, Nyctophobia. I mean what is horror, when it not scary?

I see some of your dazed looks, and well I see others that know and well I think we all have had this fear at one point of another in our lives, and know as I child it was a deep fear of mine. It is used in all horror and well horror would not do well without it. Would you worry about the boogeyman or the hitchhiker at night or the woods that were too dark well if it wasn't dark? This is more deeply commmon in children.

*Wink* Achluophobia can be defined as continual, unusual and superfluous fear of darkness or the dark places, and you all know, well know now, that I so LOVE!! the dark, so fear not, in something that I think evil feeds off, really like a fine christmas dinner. Nightmares add to this fear greatly too, a stuffed toy may appear a monster with many teeth and bulging eyes in the dark. Yikes!~ *Worry*

Symptoms of Achluophobia:

Normally, Achluophobia or the fear of darkness or night time is characterized by symptoms like irregular heartbeat, rapid breathing, nausea, shortness of breath, overall feelings of dread, and sweating. There are still some other noted symptoms, but their occurrence depends greatly on the experiences related with the fear of darkness

This are ways to help those cope with fear of the dark, and even meds, for those who fear is buried so deep, that this fear, basically robs them of any peace. I will be true and say I feel of anyone who does, to such a robbing effect. I found most was to symbolically keep the lights on. *Smile* and perhaps endure this fear of the dark, and or dark places, or the night. Put yourself in dark places and with endurance and a strong will to overcome this fear, through months and perhaps years this fear will fade, I cannot say I would want to be in the dark if I feared it so. Trust a nighlight unless you have the fear of shadows, which well I won't start on. *Laugh*

I still remember needing a night light as a child, so that I could see the evil things coming down our hallway for me, till one time my older sister stated that if I was in the dark and without the light perhaps they wouldn't find me, and in my childhood logic that was a brillant idea and my fear faded. *Laugh* If I could not see the evil than the evil could not see me. *Idea* *Pthb* I think eveyone can relate to being afraid of the dark at one time or another in their lives. It is one of the most common, and most well known fears, from the many, huge list of fears that people experience.

Editor's Picks

*Ghost*Boo! What I found in the dark places here, I love here. *Smirk* Always R&R. *Bigsmile*

 Nyctophobia I  [13+]
Dark poem about one person's fear of the dark
by Pennywise

 Shadows  [E]
Just like most kids I had a fear of the dark when I was small.
by KathrineOconner

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by A Guest Visitor

 Phobia  [18+]
To become what you fear, the creatures of the night are calling you
by Vampyra

 Paranoia  [ASR]
That feeling you get at night that you just can't get rid of
by LightningandIce

 Nothing Sorrounds Me  [E]
Talks about a person who is in the dark and lost and scared.
by heartreader

 Ode To Black  [E]
The Misconception.
by The Shallow End

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by A Guest Visitor

 Prisoner of the Night  [E]
Fear of the dark.
by Meiraaa

Activites that are always active and inviting to horror and perhaps a small scare.. *Laugh*... *Ghost*ies, cause they care.

Horror Luvrs "R" We the forum  [18+]
A forum for all things horror. Enter and do be aware of the beast under the porch!
by peggy

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Till next *Clock* I lurk... watch out. *Wink*

*Delight* Thak you everyone who reads my newsletters and knows a little scare a touch of horror keeps us all on toes. *Wink*


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