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Spiritual: January 20, 2010 Issue [#3484]

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 This week: Let Them Blossom, Let Them Grow!
  Edited by: Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Image for the Spiritual Newsletter

We don't plant seeds of doubt, we plant seeds of hope. As they mature into full-growth, they need us less. That's when the wisdom of letting go arrives. It hits hard, sometimes. We need to trust our judgment as parents and always keep the Faith.

In this Newsletter, I am going to talk about the inner struggle of learning to let go. Let's take a look ...

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Letter from the editor

I'm back folks, as your guest editor for the Spiritual Newsletter. It's all your fault, though, you gave me such a warm welcome the last time I was your host. *Wink*

Many new things happened over 2009, for me. I am with the love of my life, I have befriended a wonderful priest, and started my son, the baby, down the road to adulthood. He, after being home-schooled for many years, is embarking on his college journey.

I know that many of you have raised families and have felt that joy in your heart about seeing the last child make the transition to adulthood. Hopefully, you weren't as over-protectively, obsessive about the whole college scene.

I had to be there, like an expectant parent awaiting the news of the birth of a child, pacing the halls of academia, while he took his placement tests. Fathers were still banished to waiting rooms at the hospital when I gave birth to my first child. Hey, I was a young mother, okay?!! I'm not thaaaaaaaaat old. *Rolleyes*

Thank goodness my love, the person I call Web-Lock, was there with me, keeping me focused on the wonderful milestone this was going to be for my son. He tried to keep me busy, taking me to the student art gallery at the college. It was nearing the end of the semester; students were lining up with their portfolios, hoping to get a decent final grade in their class. I looked at their work with wonderment. There is such talent out there, yet to be discovered.

As parents, we all have hopes and expectations of what we would like our children to become. Yet, we cannot inflict our missed moments or lost dreams on our children. Living vicariously through them is not a healthy option.That day, I saw many individuals who were somebody's child, standing on their own merits. They looked strong, determined and quite able to deal with their own futures.

The empty nest fear, left me and was replaced with a mother's pride for her child, as he begins to take the reins of his own life.

My life was about to change also. That's not really a bad thing. I would be traveling down life's path with the person I love. The many years of sacrifice and hardship would be behind me. Life, while we're still in it, (by that I mean, actively taking charge, not just letting it happen) has so much to offer if we just approach each day with a positive attitude.

My son did well on those tests and was admitted to the college. The fears I had about letting go of a sheltered, home-schooled boy, left me at that moment. I saw the face of a young man staring back at me. He is no longer my little boy, he is a brand new man with the whole world at his feet.

I think I did a good job.

Some Parting thoughts:

Folks, remember this, where there is life, there is hope. Never despair. Believe that good things can happen to you. With Faith and Hope, Love is sure to follow.

That's all she wrote for this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter.

Happy New Year!


Editor's Picks

Some inspirational pieces I've found around the site ...

What is True Love?  (E)
How do you know when you have found true love?
#1489491 by Oldwarrior


A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart!
#1510231 by Oldwarrior

Evaluation  (E)
Unplanned changes.
#1593736 by Phoenix

Doing is Believing  (E)
What is the criterion that determines that one has Belief?
#1599329 by Just an Ordinary Boo!

 The Eagle's Nest  (E)
A man sad of the wasted time and sanguine with his children's success.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1621609 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1629865 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1540346 by Not Available.

Submitted by, embe :
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1629024 by Not Available.

This poem was written for a question asked of me.
How did Joseph react when Mary was pregnant as a virgin?

Faith in my Savior to write it.

Thank you for your submission, Embe. It is a beautiful poem! *Delight*

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer


"the urgency of helping the homely..."
I laughed out loud. Yes, God does have a sense of humor. Thanks for the fun and the meaningful newsletter, WW. *Smile*

It was my pleasure, Joy. I'm always happy when I can bring laughter to another. Thanks for the feedback! *Delight*


WW! What in the world are we doing here!? *Laugh* Its all good, as I say, its alllll good! The WDC Editor community should sit up, take notice that with Webbie leading the way, laughter can illuminate any topic at any moment! Loved your Santa story and one wonders ... where in the world will Santa come up with a picket fence?!? *Laugh*

Merry Xmas!


Doc, I'm still waiting for Santa to deliver on that picket fence. I don't think he was the real Santa Claus! *Shock* It doesn't matter though, because my Christmas was wonderfully filled with love and family. *Thumbsup* Thank you for your comment.


Awesome NL, WW. And you're right: laughter IS infectious, and one of the best medicines I know. *Wink*

Amen to that, Shannon! *Bigsmile* Thanks so much!

Rob G. ~Led by the Master~

Webwitch, You have finally said what I've been trying to get family and friends to understand myself. Yes, God does have a since of humor, I mean sense of humor. Oh well, no-one is perfect and God knows that, that's why the Bible says He winks at some of the things his creation...humans do. Fantastic job young lady.

Thank you, Rob. *Delight* It is so true; He does have a sense of humor.

Steve adding writing to ntbk.

Thank you for this newsletter and the awesome job you did for your first one deserves 5 stars.
Thank you for the featured items and the respectful way you handled submitting Larry's write.
I read and reviewed each of these and found most of them to be so strong and full of wisdom. It is appreciated that you have taken the reigns in this newsletter.
Copenator out!

Thank you for all of your kind words, Copenator! I really appreciate the wonderful feedback. It means more than I can say. *Delight*


I can't tell you how glad I was to sit down this morning and read your Newsletter, I loved the story of visiting Santa and the picket fence. And what a lovely surprise to see my poem featured this month. I was delighted and can't thank you enough.
Love and big hugs

I can't thank you enough for the great feedback! It was my pleasure to feature your poem. *Bigsmile* ((hugs)) right back at you!



Yes, I agree that God definitely has a sense of humor.

I am told that many, many years ago, when I was a child, I commented to my mother that "People are God's comic books." Yep.

As proof of His humor, I offer the example of my marriage. Tom and I are 180 degrees opposites. The Lord must have had a chuckle when He paired the two of us up. Yet, after 36 years, as we travel through valleys of trouble and over mountains of joy, we still love each other (and we even continue to like each other...most of the time. )

I enjoyed reading your editorial. Nice job!

God bless.

Sherry B *Bigsmile*

You are a fine example of how humor withstands the test of time! 36 years, and you still love each other! I guess opposites do attract! Thank you for sharing your experience. *Delight*

Kimberly Maeve

This is the first time that I've read this news letter and I really enjoy it. I've been a member of wdc for a while. I realize now that I have missed out. Shame on me! Thanks.

Why, thank you, Kimberly, for reading my Newsletter. I am honored that you chose this one as your first. I hope you will continue to read the Spiritual Newsletter and the Comedy Newsletter, too! In fact check out all the others. There are some fantastic ideas and great suggestions. We have wonderful editors, who have so much to share with the readers. *Thumbsup*


You are a wonder with words making you WWW so I don't know if I will call you Wonder, Web or Word..
A joy to read this Newsletter.

*Blush* Thank you, Monty, for reading my Newsletter and making me blush! You can call me anything you like, dear man. *Wink*


this is really very cool ya know?

bravo! bravo! bravo!

why is it that when i read your thoughts im always smiling broadly as i do so?.....laughter must truely be infectious....

Yes, Paul, laughter is a gift to give and get. It soothes away some of the daily stresses of life and it doesn't cost a cent. Thanks for the feedback! *Cool*

Thank you for your feedback, folks. We editors really appreciate it! *Delight*

Until next time--keep your hopes high and your heart light!


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