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For Authors: February 17, 2010 Issue [#3554]

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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: Vivian
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

          Last month I wrote about alternatives to being published by one of the major publishing houses. This month I'm sharing one of my experiences with a novel that will finally be published after over six years of trying.

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Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

The struggle is over for Stolen

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         The front cover for Stolen is ready, the copy editing in process. If all goes well, ARCs will go out in two months, maybe three.

         This book has been in the making for six years. It has been edited and re-edited multiple times. It has been wanted by two publishers and an agent IF I would completely change the ending. However, changing the ending would change the theme and meaning of the whole book: People have to go on with their lives when bad things happen or destroy themselves.

         I've waited, sometimes patiently, sometimes impatiently, for the book to come into its own.

         The emotions and many of the incidents found in Stolen are true, but I placed those into a fictional format. I, and other family members, lived the pain. I began writing the book as a way to deal with the suffering of missing grandchildren. My daughter shared some of her experiences, too, which found their way into the plot. As I wrote I fell in love with Lyle, Leanne, Torri, and Jason, and the other family members. They lived in my mind, real, breathing people, not just characters.

         When Stolen is released later this year, I hope readers will agree that the ending couldn't be changed without the whole story being changed -- and ruined.

         Thanks to Aidana WillowRaven for the cover, to Mandy Hedrick for formatting and now doing the nitty-gritty work of copy editing, to Janelle and Jacque for their hours and hours of editing time after time, to the other editors who gave their time and input to make this book better.

         Now, finally, I can see the end of the process to the time I can place copies into the hands of my daughter, my grandchildren, and others.

         Please watch for Stolen and read it when it appears. I think you'll be glad you did.

Editor's Picks

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

         Last issue I mentioned that I haven't received many comments. Thank you, those who commented, for letting me know you are still reading.

         Thanks for the great newsletter! I've been considering getting self-published once I finish my novel so this news letter is very helpful.

         I'm always glad to help.

         Viv. What is there to say you always provide a useful interesting newsletter and I am sure many of us appreciate it.

         Thank you. *Blush*

Cassie Kat
         The article "Alternatives to Big Name Publishers" was very helpful. Especially as a beginner, I can imagine that its easy to get caught up and become frustrated by the big name publishers, but I will be sure to bear in mind your alternatives when I am ultimately ready to publish a novel of my own. Thanks!

         It is very easy to become frustrated and discouraged by rejections.

Caledonia Lass
         Excellent newsletter! I have learned lessons the hard way about going to vanity presses. Let's just say I am more thorough and a bit more picky about where I send my MS. I can't stress it enough to others who are just beginning the process and don't know where to start...RESEARCH! :D

         Research is a must.

Thank you. Some, I had heard before, but the message is to keep trying.

         Always keep trying, learning as we go.

Angelica- Happy July 4th!
         I think all of your newsletters are very helpful. *Smile*

         Thanks, Fishie.

NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth
         Awesome advice, Vivian. This is most helpful and inspires me to investigate. Thank you!

         Do investigate and research in order to make the best decision for you.

         This was great article for all the new and old writers who want to get published. I do hope to publish my works in the future and this has been a very informative piece which will help me a lot.
Thank you.

         Writing is only half the job to reach publication. Publishing, and all that goes with it, is the rest. Good luck.

LJPC - the tortoise
Hi Vivian!
         Thank you so much for a GREAT and informative NL. It came just at the right moment for me as I will start looking for an agent next month. The links you provided will be very helpful! *Bigsmile* --Laura

         Glad the information will help.

Thank you for joining me this issue. See you again next month.


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