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Horror/Scary: March 24, 2010 Issue [#3629]

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  Edited by: StaiNed-
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

Step carefully into the darkness with me everyone for this week's horror/scary newsletter. I StaiNed- am a guest editor this week, and am spooked in all my delightfully pumped perceptions to be here with you all. *Smirk* *Ghost*ies.. get your flashlights. *Laugh* and come let me walk with you all.. and talk.

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Letter from the editor

When horror comes from true or so thought true events.... Wow!! Now that scares! *Smirk*

Many horror/scary things we are exposed to are I have found movies, books, classic films, nightime stories, are about events that have taken place, or the story has been twisted somewhat to perhaps be more horrific for major film. Yikes! *Worry* I think that in itself adds more fear of what whatever it may be, for we deep oursleves in the warm murky waters of fear and scary things we always hold the thought, "It cannot really happen." Can it?! *Shock*

I think horror's birth was the the lingering fear our ancesters long long ago of what we could not make sense of, or the good old fear what what we do not understand, and it our human copeing skillls to put a face to that fear and create something horrific.

Here is a small list of horror films I have seen, and at time had no idea was based or twisted to a true past event, wow~ I think many horror lovers like me have seen these films, some are divine, still bother me today, others are to be "B" but in itself good. Hope you all see some hunor in this list, for remember scares can be funny, if only afterwards. *Laugh* and who forgets a evil crackle after its heard? *Smirk*

*Bullet*Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
Movie: Simply Henry is a seril killer. *Rolleyes* Original ok. That is aided by his roomate Otis.
Based on: Inspired bu serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, who had an accomplice Otis Toole. He confessed to killing over 600 people, though was only convicted of 11. He spend the remaiming life he had in prison, and began the movement of inproved prison conditions.

*Bullet* The Mothmam Prophicies (2002}
Movie: Reporter John Klein gets lost while driving and ends up in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where he encounters the so-called Mothman, a winged creature whose appearance seems to foretell disastrous events -- notably, the collapse of a bridge over the Ohio River leading to Point Pleasant.
Based On:Reports of sightings of a large, unidentified winged creature ~ a.k.a the Mothman ~occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia for 13 months between 1966 and 1967. Then, on December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge, connecting Point Pleasant to Ohio over the Ohio River, collapsed, killing 46 people.

*Bullet*Open Water (2004)
Movie:When unmarried couple Daniel and Susan take a group scuba diving trip, a mistake by the crew while taking a head count of the divers who return to the boat leaves the couple floating alone in the ocean, surrounded by sharks. Eeek! *Worry*
Based On:In January 1998, married couple Tom and Eileen Lonergan disappeared off Australia’s Great Barrier Reef after a diving company accidentally left them behind in the water. It took two days -- when a bag containing a wallet and passports was found -- for the crew to realize that they'd left the couple behind. A search was conducted, but their bodies were never found. Belongings discovered weeks later showed no signs of the violent shark attack that the film suggests. We hope!

*Bullet* The Exorism of Emily Rose (2005)
Movie: A priest is on trial for the death of a young woman named Emily Rose, upon whom he had performed an exorcism. Through flashbacks, we see the tribulations that she suffered while possessed. Deeply moving movie! I thought.
Based On:Inspired by Anneliese Michel, a 16-year-old German girl who, in 1968, began displaying symptoms of demonic possession. For years, she suffered paralysis, self-abuse, starvation and demonic visions until 1975, when two priests performed exorcisms of what was believed to be several demons over 10 months. During that time, Anneliese barely ate, and she died of starvation in July 1976. Her parents and the priests were tried and found guilty of manslaughter. They were sentenced to six months in jail.

*Bullet*Psycho (1960)
Movie:Norman Bates is a psychologically disturbed hotel owner who has delusions this his dead mother, whose body he keeps in the cellar, wants to kill hotel guests. He develops a dual personality and dresses like her when he commits his murders. Classic. *Laugh*
Based On: Inspired by Ed Gein, a Wisconsin man who was arrested in 1957 for committing two murders and digging up the corpses of countless other women who reminded him of his dead mother. He skinned the bodies to make lamp shades, socks and a "woman suit" in hopes of becoming a woman. He was found to be insane and spent the rest of his life in a mental institution.

*Bullet*Jaws (1975)
Movie: A 25-foot-long great white shark terrorizes the fictional Northeastern fishing community of Amity Island, attacking swimmers and boaters for several days during the summer. Hear the doom music?! *Smirk*
Based On:inspired in part by a series of shark attacks that plagued the New Jersey shore in 1916. Over a 12-day period in July of that year, five people were attacked, four of whom died. A seven-foot-long great white shark was killed on July 14, and its stomach was found to contain human remains. To this day, there is a debate over whether or not that shark was the culprit -- some scientists argue that it was probably a bull shark -- but no further attacks were reported that summer after it was killed.

I did not know so much film today was inspired by true events, more movies like Gothic (1986}, Dead Ringers (1988}, The Hills Have Eyes (1977), Audrey Rose (1977), and more. It makes one think of what really lurks outside our doors. *Smirk* and at night down the street. *Worry*

Hope you all enjoyed this newsletter. *Smirk* I will be back very soon... *Laugh*

Editor's Picks

Here are some wondies I found in the dark and somewhat not so evil places here on Wdc, Not based on truth but for me all would or could be and are super duper interesting. *Smile*. Always R&R. Please.

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by A Guest Visitor

 Horror At The Office  [13+]
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 Weekend  [18+]
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The Two O'Clock Visit  [13+]
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 Hauntings in Nevada and California  [18+]
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 Reach High, Dig Deep  [E]
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Activites. *Smile* Have fun always enjoying the fearsome side of life that keeps our clocks ticking and wishing for a different moment. *Laugh*

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by A Guest Visitor

The Stephen King Trivia  [ASR]
How well do you know Stephen King or his works? Step right in and give it a try!
by iKïyå§ama

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Ask & Answer

Whether horror is inspired by the evil we hope in few are faw between, it lingers all the same, I hope you all enjoyed your walf in the dark with me this week, and always remember the Energizer Bunny in the future, some lights went out.. *Smirk* Buwhaha. *Wink*


Remember! The *Ghost*ies scare, they care!


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