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Horror/Scary: April 21, 2010 Issue [#3682]

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 This week:
  Edited by: StaiNed-
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Bunny time! *Wink* Flashlights everyone, I StaiNed- and back, yes RuN!, *Wink* as a guest editor for the horror/scary newsletter this week. We will walk in total darkness, so comforting, so silent, let me tell you..

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Hunger...(drools...) Evil always has taste, an unstettling longing for prey, no matter what it may be. Even a mental humer can be spoken of, divine, rapture of a willow sighted vision. Oh go muse! *Smirk* So may evil creatures hunger.. zombies, my favorite, for flesh and bones, vampires for blood, cannabils for people, witches hunger for rituals, spells, undead or dying things, even of unhorrorful look we hunger for love. (yikes)

Speaking of vampires, any person unwillingly changed due to a Viral Transformation and trying to be a "good" vampire like Edward. or werewolf or whatever dark creature that creeps about. They will have a very hard time of it, since starving themselves will likely cause them to lose crontol and attack the nearest person loved one or not. These supernaturals trying to be good will also have another hurdle to cross...not only are they starving themselves, but they're like hungry children locked in a candy store... where the candy is people. Even in cases where the supernaturals don't need to comsume humans to survive, Hunger in horror creates unusual, supernatural fetishes indeed. No midnight ice cream snack. *Laugh*

*Bullet*Clayface 3 in the Batman comic book series. His hunger in a roundabout sense drives him to turn people into protoplasm puddles.

*Bullet* In Madagascar, Alex could not resist viewing his zebra friend as a snack when overcome with hunger pangs. He gets better after eating fish.

We think as hunger as normal thing we all feel to know we are alive, food. But I want everyone to think as hunger as a fear, a force that creates fearsome creatures that would end the life we take hunger for granted.

Think the next time your stomach growls... *Laugh*

Editor's Picks

Darkness, golly it is everywhere on WDC. Not just behind you, and in the corners we many write and read in. Here are some fantastic writings I found, while I lurked in my angelic staiNed ways to share with all who love a spooky scare and a little horror like me. *Wink*

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

~Where Evil Dwells  [18+]
Where evil dwells, we are those who always hunger, and will always be.
by StaiNed-

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by A Guest Visitor

 Incomplete Stories  [E]
A short collection of my unfinished works.
by redwoodempire

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by A Guest Visitor

 The Light Side Of Dark  [18+]
This story is about the relationship between a werewolf and his greatest love....and hate.
by Sister Grimm

Thanks everyone who I choose! You are talented! *Smile*

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Comment from last Horror/Scary newsletter, yes I am back. *Wink*

Fantastic newsletter, Ann. And thank you for the plug of my items. *Smile*

Darling Trivia Kiya, it was the first thing I found here when I joined, and always you write with the best here. Thanks for reading my newsletter, I am still amazed how much we watch in film does happen in some roundabout way. Creepy. *Smirk*

Thanks everyone!! Off I go back into the darkness that keeps me so warm, and always evil. *Wink*


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