Horror/Scary: August 11, 2010 Issue [#3903]
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 This week: Phantoms of The High Seas
  Edited by: StaiNed-
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Welcome to WDC's Horror/Scary Newsletter this week. I StaiNed- am delighted to be a quest editor. Get comfy, a flashlight for the shadows play and onward we go...

I thought perhaps to add a little humor to this week editor, for I think it is often great to laugh while fear rattles your bones. So let me talk about "Ghost ships" and one in particular, "The Flying Dutchman".

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

A "Ghost Ship" may be a fictional haunted ship, neither sunken or not, said to have crew of undead sailors.

According to folklore "The Flying Dutchman" is a ghost ship that can never go home, doomed to sail the oceans forever. It is spotted usually far away, and if neared by another ship, its' undead crew will try to contact the living to send messages to loved ones. Seeing "The Flying Dutchman" meant impending doom. It was seen as a omend of enternal torment. Like a lost soul forever bound to be lost never finding the right path to peace and enternal rest, only the torture of restlessless,

Captain Falkenburg according to folklore is said to be cursed to the north sea till his day of judgement playing dice with the devil for his own soul. "cool"

"At 4 a.m. the Flying Dutchman crossed our bows. A strange red light as of a phantom ship all aglow, in the midst of which light the masts, spars, and sails of a brig 200 yards distant stood out in strong relief as she came up on the port bow.

The Flying Dutchman is reference in,

*Bullet* Richard Wagner's Opera, The Flying Dutchman (1843}

*Bullet* Chapter Ten in The Narrative of Arther Gordon Pym of Nantcket by Edgar Poe, where Pym and crewmates encounter a Dutch brig in the south seas. Upon drawing closer, Pym realizes that the "smiling man" is in fact a corpse whose back is being pecked by a seagull. Pym further observes some twenty-five or thirty corpses scattered on board.

*Bullet* Castaways of the Flying Dutchman a 2001 Children's Novel. *Laugh*

*Bullet* Spongebob Squarepants. *Wink*

*Bullet* The Pirates of the Caribbean movies featured a ship named the Flying Dutchman.

Editor's Picks

Statics here on Wdc that support thrillers of the sea. Enjoyable, original, and always welcome a constructive review. *Smile*

 The Vanishing Dutchman  (E)
An account of the Flying Dutchman, told as accurately as history allows
#1157363 by Wil

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#1673828 by Not Available.

 Ships To Hell  (ASR)
If only they could find the truth...before it's too late!
#734062 by º§RaRa§º ©

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#1625737 by Not Available.

 Watery Wrapped Grave  (ASR)
What is hidden in the depths of the sea?
#291398 by Red Writing Hood <3

Always we must stay busy while in the dark places where horror plays. Here are activities within Wdc that support the chilling screams. *Wink*

 Survival  (18+)
Zombies have risen to consume the living, try and escape with your life.
#1677156 by Scorch

 Absolute Horror Flash Fiction Contest  (18+)
A weekly flash fiction contest for fans and writers of the macabre.
#1326382 by Pennywise

Tales of Terror  (ASR)
Sacrifice a story at the altar and unlock the secrets of terror!
#1641024 by lotte

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#1263522 by Not Available.

A MidSummer Night's Scream  (13+)
Round closed ~ Winners Announced!
#1445235 by Adriana Noir

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

I live on a island, a very small one, and ghost ship stories are something told often here. Some urban legends, others creative and held trur to some. So May I ask? Are there any ghost ship legends that ring out to your memories?

I enjoyed being a guest editor this week. Thanks! and keep enjoying the horrific horror everyone! *Smirk**Wink*

... *Ghost*ies...


*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

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