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Horror/Scary: October 27, 2010 Issue [#4028]

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 This week: Through the Veil ~ with Their Eyes
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         Welcome to this week's edition of the WDC Horror/Scary Newsletter.

         Writing horror opens a dialogue, interactive, between the writer and reader ~ and perhaps being that have been here all along ~ watching, and waiting. And the dialogue is as varied as the writers and readers who embrace this otherworld, be it supernatural or mundane.

All that I see or seem is but a dream within a dream...E.A. Poe

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Greetings, most writers of horror and speculative fiction have a tendency to include a non-human character or two in their novels these days.

         But how many writers actually take the time to research their non-human counterparts?

         Creating Non-Human Characters

         Our human culture and physiology arose from our planet's ecology. Our basic survival instincts were formed according to the surroundings we were raised into. And our speech patterns evolved according to the region we were born into.

         Why then, would a writer assume that an alien being, who looks different to the humans around him, would still walk and talk and think the same way, if he was raised in extremely different circumstances.

Consider the following when composing your non-human characters:
*Bullet*What ecology spawned this life-form?
*Bullet*How hostile is the environment?
*Bullet*How do they reproduce?
*Bullet*Do they breath oxygen at all?
*Bullet*What is their economy based upon?
*Bullet*Is their history sprinkled with violence or oppression?
*Bullet*Is their culture flavored by their history?

         We often use lush prose to describe magical worlds, to convey a sense of the arcane or the possibility thereof. Also, we may want to convey a heightened sense of aesthetics -- a majestic dragon, an imperious queen, a shimmering pendant, and so forth. In a story about physical or social science, on the other hand, we often use more precise, terse prose to convey a sense of practicality, to make our extrapolations feel possible.

*Bullet*Pay extra attention to the voice of your point-of- view character(s). Does their language arise from their world view and culture? Is it consistent through the story, only changing as the character undergoes deep change? Consistency of the characters' voices can bridge differences in the narrational voice. In the novel about the time-traveling shaman, for instance, the shaman's vocabulary and way of seeing the world could be the reader's touchstone as the narrational voice describes both shamanic rituals and bird-counting ecological studies.

         Now that you see our world through the eyes of your faerie or dragon or undine or shaman, consider sharing your story in verse or prose this Halloween eve.

Write On!
Kate - Writing & Reading

Editor's Picks

See the alternate realities that members of our Community share with us this Halloween Eve ~ oh they're not all superscary - there's even a bit of comic relief if you look far enough across the veil

 The Widows of Ware  (E)
Halloween is very sacred in the town of Ware and four widows learn this the hard way.
#1614874 by leeflan

 Fangs for Nothing  (E)
Something to sink your fangs into. A vampire wakes up on the wrong side of the coffin.
#1623033 by leeflan

 Dagon's Promise   (E)
The Deep One invasion has begun. Are you ready?
#1718862 by D Carlson

 The Blood of Christ  (18+)
A "snapshot story" out of what I plan to turn into a much larger world eventually.
#1717629 by Röö

 The Mask of Romek Part One.  (13+)
A short story based (very loosely) on the Cthulhu Mythos. Enjoy.
#1718990 by TC McQueen

 The Killing Truth  (18+)
Murder can change so many people, some for the worse
#1713282 by Louie-Lou

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#1718930 by Not Available.

 Oscar  (E)
A new version of an old scary story about a Jersey Devil.
#1707403 by Onyx Wolf

We're Weres  (18+)
Paul's mother, ill and heavily medicated, "saw" things. He should've listened to her...
#1697245 by Indelible Ink

 Midnight Valentine  ()
Dusky light, cold shadows, faded dreams. Amelia is in the graveyard at midnight.
#1719002 by Madeleine Eblouie

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#1718599 by Not Available.

 Girl In The White Dress  (E)
story about a ghost; a little girl from the 1900's who was seen in an old aprtment house
#1718277 by bluewriter

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#1689681 by Not Available.

And there's still time to share one of your own encounters

 Absolute Horror Flash Fiction Contest  (18+)
A weekly flash fiction contest for fans and writers of the macabre.
#1326382 by Pennywise

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#1154716 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

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Not currently available.

Ask & Answer

Submitted to our Newsletter by James Cowgill ~ "I know that the vampire genre is hot right now but what about werewolves? I have here the first chapter of my werewolf story titled LUNACY. I hope you enjoy and would love some constructive critisizm.If you like I can follow up with two more chapters. Thanks, James

Let's engage this otherworld

Lunacy: Chapter 1  (13+)
An Indian Shaman dicovers his new town is full of werewolves and witches.
#1712149 by James Cowgill


And what more fitting for Halloween 'treating' than this offering by triplzer0 ~

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#1711196 by Not Available.


Happy Haunting one and all

Kate - Writing & Reading

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Word from our sponsor
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