Horror/Scary: August 24, 2011 Issue [#4569]
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  Edited by: W.D.Wilcox
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Sig for the Horror/Scary Newsletter

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor


With every story you write there must be an element of surprise-something that will make the reader hunger to continue. You have to ask yourself, what will make them read the next page, and then the next?

The Four Magic Words.

Once these words are initiated your reader has no choice. They are compelled to continue. Even though there is work to do, or sleep to be had, they can not stop. They keep reading. They must know. They have to know. And in the back of their mind the words are repeated over and over again like a mantra.

For example, you could write . . . .

One thing led to another, but all in the wrong direction. Jack's dark emotions transformed as swiftly as a flock of birds altering their flight path to catch a sudden change of wind. He was paralyzed by the possibilities. And as his lips stiffened, his features grew pale and hard as though his flesh might transform into a plaster death mask. He stood, slowly at first, shaking off the pain of his wounds, and then grabbed the gun that lay beside him.

After reading this your mind has encountered the Four Magic Words. You don't know what they are at first because it has happened on a subconscious level, but even if you were to read more, or the story was to stop right there, the magic words would force you to continue to read, or to keep wondering.

At this point you're probably dying to know what the words are and of course I will tell you. But first, let's take a look at another example.

"Bob . . . ?"

I stopped in mid-chew, tried to swallow what felt like a mouthful of ash.

"Bob . . . are you there?" The voice sounded as unsteady as a windblown flame.

Someone was walking around the bed. I could see their shadow through the thin fabric of the curtain, like water pearled and moving beneath ice.

"Who is it?" I managed to croak. "Who's there?"

"It's me, Bob. It's . . . Rose."


A hand gripped at the curtain and slowly pulled it open enough to reach inside. It was mottled brown and green, and riddled with weeping pustules.

"It's been so long Bob . . . so long."

The room stunk like a ripe and moldy cheese. I could taste it on my lips.

The shape of the head on the other side of the curtain nodded and bobbed as if it were an enormous rose bloom caught in the breeze.

"I've come for you, Bob. I've come to give you something. They told me to give you something."

"Jesus, Rose, it can't be you. You're . . . you're dead."

The stench was now so bad that the air seemed to be flavored with it. The grotesque hand reached in and touched my bandaged knee.

A pain shot through my leg as if it had been stabbed with a rusty blade. I felt the venom of it coursing through my veins as if my blood had turned to lava, pulsing with something unnatural, unclean. I tried to scream, wanted to yell for help, but couldn't find my voice.

That is an excerpt from a novel I am writing called, 'The Home', and in it I've tried my best to seed it with 'The Four Magic Words'.

Okay, okay, I've held you in suspense long enough. It's time to give you the answer.

What are 'The Four Magic Words'?

It's simple.

Every story, every page you write, must always make your reader ask himself, "And Then What Happened?"

If you can do that, you're on your way to writing a great story.

Until Next Time,


A new sig from 'undocked'

Editor's Picks

And Then What Happened?

 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow  (13+)
A man's encounter with a nuisance we've all faced.
#1804110 by Clark Wilson

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1789487 by Not Available.

My Apologies, Mr. Smith  (18+)
A Halloween party is just the beginning of this tale of terror.
#1334346 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

 Change of Address  (E)
Do monsters get mail?
#990874 by nomlet

The Building  (13+)
Curiosity gets the better of me as I noticed a strange building in downtown Seattle.
#1559221 by Riot

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1672864 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1160361 by Not Available.

 The Deliverer  (13+)
“Come out of her!” (Featured WDC Newsletter - Horror/Scary)
#1761524 by ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

Ode To Melanie  (18+)
A young student is attracted to her poetry professor
#1777118 by W.D.Wilcox

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer


Sorry I'm a little late on wishing you a happy birthday, Bill! *Balloonr**Balloonb*

Your philosophy on life is pretty identical to mine. I remain young because I wish to do so. *Bigsmile* Laughing, taking the good with the bad, then tossing the bad in the garbage, pouring a little gas, striking a match and watching that thing burn to the ground--Oh, wait, we weren't talking about my money pit were we? Oh, those senior moments!
I hope your birthday was fabulous. I might be sixty, one day. *Wink*

Enjoy all that life has to offer or suck the marrow or whatever fits here. *Laugh* You're one of the good guys!


This is good, very good. Writing.com, I'm so pleased with your existence.

LJPC - the tortoise
Hi Bill!
Wishing you a heartfelt if belated
*Balloonb* Happy Birthday! *Balloonr*
I hope you got lots of great presents and found wonderful things to laugh about.
-- Laura

They broke the mold when you came into the world, W.D. Probably in a fit of horror at what had been created. There are some few of us who are cautiously grateful that you were born and are still with us.
Happy birthday.

ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams
Dear W. D. Wilcox,
Thank you for selecting my short story, The Chupacabra, as one of your (July's) Editor's Picks, or Birthday Picks! I am honored and pleased. Happy Birthday, dear friend. Much love,
-Christina Daltro

Oh hell, you're a pup! 60? I've got corns older than that! Then again on a lighter note, as Stephen Wright once said, "I'm going to live forever....so far, so good" Happy birthdate and good luck with that living forever thing, Bill. I'll catch you around 100.

Thank you for featuring one of my stories! *Heart*~ Lovely newsletter as always, Bill!

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

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